Fire prevention week

October 6-12, 2024

Smoke alarms: Make them work for you.

In a fire emergency, a working smoke alarm can buy you valuable time. Help keep yourself and your loved ones safe by following these steps:

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home, outside all sleeping areas and in your basement
  • Test smoke alarms every month by pressing the test button
  • Change the batteries at least once a year
  • Replace the smoke alarm when it's 10 years old
  • Create and practice a home escape plan so all family members know what to do in the event a smoke alarm activates

Smoke Alarm for Every (SAFE) Family program

Homeowners without working smoke alarms may be eligible to have one installed for free through the SAFE Family program.

If you are a renter, it is your landlord's responsibility to install and maintain a working smoke alarm in your residential rental property, as per Fire Prevention By-Laws.

Fire prevention week for schools

On Monday, October 7, WFPS will be hosting a kick-off event for Fire Prevention Week at Hastings School from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Throughout the week, schools in Winnipeg are encouraged to practice fire drills, promote fire safety and provide tips on fire prevention to students.

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service - Open houses

On Saturday, October 12, from noon to 4 p.m., Winnipeggers are invited to attend open houses at your local fire paramedic stations. Every WFPS station will be open to visitors to get to know their local first responders and learn about smoke alarms, home escape plans and fire prevention.

Canadian Tire meet and greets

WFPS is teaming up with Canadian Tire to promote the importance of smoke alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and other fire and life safety equipment by hosting booths inside a number of Canadian Tire stores throughout the city. Residents can talk to firefighters about these important devices, how to test them, and where in a residence to install them:

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