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Documents for Bid Opportunity 201-2014B_PA_Schedule_18-Appendices

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Documents Documents
Appendix A - City of Winnipeg Southwest Stage 2 - Transitway De
Appendix_A_Transitway_Design_Requirements.pdf (5 KB)
Appendix B - City of Winnipeg Southwest Stage 2 - Functional De
Appendix_B_SWT2_Functional_Design.pdf (88.12 MB)
Appendix BB - Acceptable Tree Species for Boulevard Planting, C
Appendix C - Preliminary Engineering Study Upgrading the Pembin
Appendix_C_Pembina_Hwy_Prelim_Design.pdf (136.88 MB)
Appendix CC - Boulevard Tree Planting Guidelines as Required Un
Appendix_CC_Tree_Planting_Guideline.pdf (140 KB)
Appendix D - Standard Structural Specifications
Appendix_D_Standard_Structural_Spec.pdf (1.58 MB)
Appendix DD - Pembina Highway Underpass Geometric Design Criter
Appendix_DD_Pembina_Hwy_GDC.pdf (121 KB)
Appendix E - Standard Construction Details
Appendix_E_Standard_Construction_Details.pdf (1.14 MB)
Appendix EE - Winnipeg Transit Comfort Stations (Bus Operator W
Appendix_EE_Transit_Comfort_Stations.pdf (5 KB)
Appendix F - RT Symbol Design Details
Appendix_F_RT_Identity_Guidelines.pdf (312 KB)
Appendix FF - IGF Station Bus Parking for Post-Event Service
Appendix_FF_IGF_Station_Bus_Parking.pdf (2.26 MB)
Appendix G - Bus Detection System
Appendix_G_Bus_Detection_System.pdf (126 KB)
Appendix GG - IGF Station Overhead Pedestrian Walkway
Appendix_GG_IGF_Pedestrian_Walkway.pdf (956 KB)
Appendix H - CN Guidelines
Appendix_H_CN_Guidelines.pdf (5 KB)
Appendix HH - U of M Southwood Lands Survey (Revised 2016-01-28
Appendix_HH_Southwood_Lands_Topo_Survey.pdf (454 KB)
Appendix I - Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship Enviro
Appendix_I_EIA_Licence_3121.pdf (195 KB)
Appendix II - Proposed Brenda Leipsic Dog Park
Appendix_II_Brenda_Leipsic_Dog_Park_Concept.pdf (265 KB)
Appendix J - Indentification Standard, City of Winnipeg Water a
Appendix_J_Identification_Standard.pdf (6.98 MB)
Appendix JJ - AT Path Functional Design - Pembina Highway at Ju
Appendix_JJ_AT_Path_Pembina_at_Jubilee.pdf (300 KB)
Appendix K - Electrical Design Guide, City of Winnipeg Water an
Appendix_K_Electrical_Design_Guide.pdf (3.68 MB)
Appendix KK - U of M Land Drainage
Appendix_KK_U_of_M_Land_Drainage.pdf (2.93 MB)
Appendix L - Policy on Snow Clearing and Ice Control, City of W
Appendix_L_Snow_Clearing_Policy.pdf (177 KB)
Appendix LL - Southwest Transitway (Stage 2) and Pemibna Highwa
Appendix_LL_Baseline_Noise_Study.pdf (5.45 MB)
Appendix M - Guideline for Mill and Fill Pavement Rehabilitatio
Appendix_M_Mill_and_Fill_Guideline.pdf (130 KB)
Appendix MM - Bus Rapid Transit Project Southwest Transitway Co
Appendix_MM_Geotechnical_Investigation.pdf (73.36 MB)
Appendix N - Tree Removal Guidelines, City of Winnipeg, March 1
Appendix_N_Tree_Removal_Guidelines.pdf (398 KB)
Appendix NN - Access for Semi-Trailers for IGF Events
Appendix_NN_Proposed_Semi-Trailer_Access.pdf (3.69 MB)
Appendix O - Tree Planting Details and Specifications Downtown
Appendix_O_Tree_Principles_and_Guidelines.pdf (19.85 MB)
Appendix OO - Thomson Funeral Home and Cemetery AT Path Connect
Appendix_OO_Thomson_AT_Path_Connection.pdf (1.69 MB)
Appendix P - Drainage Criteria Manual, City of Winnipeg
Appendix_P_Drainage_Criteria_Manual.pdf (1.70 MB)
Appendix PP - AT Path Recommended Illumination
Appendix_PP_Pathway_Recommended_Illumination.pdf (194 KB)
Appendix Q - Accessibility Design Standards, City of Winnipeg,
Appendix_Q_Accessibility_Design_Standards.pdf (8.48 MB)
Appendix QQ - (Draft) Natural Area Appraisal and Removal Guidel
Appendix_QQ_Natural_Area_Removal_Guidelines.pdf (1.88 MB)
Appendix R - CPTED Guiding Principles, City of Winnipeg, May 20
Appendix_R_CPTED_Guiding_Principles.pdf (902 KB)
Appendix RR - Woodland Restoration Specification to Meet Compen
Appendix_RR_Woodland_Restoration_Spec.pdf (202 KB)
Appendix S - Universal Design Policy, City of Winnipeg, Decembe
Appendix_S_Universal_Design_Policy.pdf (307 KB)
Appendix SS - Fairway Woods Visual Natural Screening
Appendix_SS_Visual_Natural_Screening.pdf (1.45 MB)
Appendix T - Unversal Design Guilding Principles, City of Winni
Appendix_T_Universal_Design_Principles.pdf (422 KB)
Appendix TT - AT Path for Chevrier at Pembina
Appendix_TT_AT_Path_Chevrier_at_Pembina.pdf (243 KB)
Appendix U - Transportation Standards Manual, City of Winnipeg,
Appendix_U_Transportation_Standards_Manual.pdf (7.85 MB)
Appendix UU - Tree Removals in U of M Southwood Lands and Unive
Appendix_UU_UofM_Tree_Removals.pdf (3.29 MB)
Appendix V - Busway Planning and Design Manual, City of Winnipe
Appendix_V_Busway_Planning_and_Design.pdf (2.58 MB)
Appendix VV - Realigned Roadway through Southland Lands
Appendix_VV_Southwood_Lands_Roadway.pdf (284 KB)
Appendix W - Manual of Temporary Traffic Control on City Street
Appendix_W_Temp_Traffic_Control_Manual.pdf (5.67 MB)
Appendix WW - Westbound Southpark Drive Bus Stop Location (Revi
Appendix_WW_WB_Southpark_Drive_Bus_Stop.pdf (705 KB)
Appendix X - Manual for the Production of Construction Drawings
Appendix_X_Construction_Drawing_Guidelines.pdf (2.52 MB)
Appendix XX - Design Submittal Requirements
Appendix_XX_Design_Submittal_Requirements.pdf (176 KB)
Appendix Y - Public Works Department Parks and Open Space Divis
Appendix_Y_Parks_Maintenance_Guidelines.pdf (1.21 MB)
Appendix YY - NHL Ice Plant
Appendix_YY_NHL_Ice_Plant.pdf (5 KB)
Appendix Z - Inertial Profiler Profile Summary Sheet
Appendix_Z_Profile_Summary_Sheet.pdf (214 KB)
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