Redevelopment of the Public Safety Building & Civic Centre Car Park site
In April 2016, City Council resolved to demolish the former Public Safety Building and Civic Centre Car Park and to embark on a public engagement process for the redevelopment of the lands they occupy. CentreVenture, the City's downtown development agency, led the public engagement and redevelopment process for the property, along with the Planning, Property and Development department.
The redevelopment of these lands presents an unparalleled opportunity to create something unique, in one of Winnipeg's greatest downtown neighbourhoods. Over the next couple of years, Winnipeggers will witness the demolition of these two iconic structures. Soon after, a new skyline will evolve.
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Public Safety Building demolition time-lapse
Update December 2, 2020:
- Contract Total Performance was declared on November 30 as planned. All the work of the project is complete.
- The project webcam has been decommissioned. Online live feed was concluded on November 30, 2020.
- This will be the final project status update.
Update November 12, 2020:
- The last of the site work is now ongoing: repairs to adjacent sidewalks, placement of final gravel topping, installation of perimeter fence.
- Contract Substantial Performance was declared on October 30. Total Performance is scheduled for November 30, 2020.
- Due to the replacement of the roof at 510 Main, the Live Feed will be turned off at end of November 30 to accommodate this task.
Update September 21, 2020:
- The PSB has now been removed down to grade level. The contractor is presently demolishing the PSB basement floor.
- Ongoing work includes removal and hauling of demolition debris from the site. Once complete, the site will be backfilled, leveled with gravel, and fenced.
- Soil contamination remedial work is now complete.
- Previously undocumented, abandoned building foundations have been discovered in the SW corner of the property. Extents and origin are to be investigated by the contractor.
- There continues to be no work delays associated with COVID-19. The project remains on-schedule and on-budget and total contract performance is expected for October 30, 2020.
Update July 2, 2020:
- Debris on the basement level and 1st floor have been removed from PSB. The contractor will be opening additional building walls at the west side, to get at the material on the 6th floor.
- Once material removal from PSB is complete, there will be a visible advancement of building demolition in coming days. This will require complete closure of King Street and William Avenue around the Site from July 20 to July 31.
- Previously-unknown soil contamination was identified in the northeast area of the property. This is being mitigated according to plans approved by the Authority (Province of Manitoba).
- There continues to be no work delays associated with COVID-19. The project remains on-schedule and on-budget.
Update June 2, 2020
- Additional asbestos has been found on pipe rap under terracotta brick near the south elevators in the PSB. Abatement is to start on June 5 and last just over a week.
- Movement of material within the PSB has commenced. Debris on the 2nd,3rd, 4th, and 5th floors have been removed. Currently working on the 1st floor.
- Removal of the flooring of the Parkade has almost been completed and surveying of exposed piles has commenced.
- Partial street closure for King Street, William Avenue, and Princess Street is ongoing. King Street parking meter has been removed near the PSB.
- Traffic signals on the corner of William Avenue and King Street will be removed. Streetlights on King Street will be removed and re-installed in sequence as PSB is demolished.
- The underground fuel storage tank was removed in mid May and the removal of the contaminated soil from the fuel tank has started. In order to contain the remaining soil and not to impact the stability of James Avenue, a liner will be installed.
- Material Tracking as of May 31 – Recycled: 33,657,892.24 pounds and Waste: 1,118,471.19 pounds. So far, 96.68% of the material has been recycled. There has also been 301.08 metric tonnes of contaminated soil removed from the Site.
Update April 29, 2020:
- Abatement of hazardous materials inside the PSB is now complete.
- There have been no work delays associated with COVID-19.
- Some unforeseen work relating to underground Hydro infrastructure, signal controls and water service were recently encountered which delayed the start of the demolition.
- Exterior demolition commenced on April 29 (see photo section) at the west side of the building and the work will progress from top, down.
Update March 23, 2020:
- Demolition of the above-grade structure of the Parkade is now complete.
- Abatement of hazardous materials is ongoing in the PSB.
- Demolition of PSB is anticipated to commence April 15, unless current circumstances dictate a change in plans.
Update March 4, 2020:
- Abatement of hazardous materials is ongoing in the PSB.
- It is expected that all above-grade structure of the Parkade will be fully demolished by next week.
- Fencing around the project perimeter will be adapted as the work progresses.
- Demolition of PSB is expected to begin late March or early April.
- A two-lane closure on Princess St remains. This is a safety precaution that will be enacted for the time it takes to remove all the Parkade façade panels adjacent the roadway.
- At this time it is expected the work to conclude as planned in late September 2020.
Update January 22, 2020:
- Abatement of hazardous materials is ongoing in the PSB.
- Exterior demolition work commenced January 21 at the north side of the Civic Parkade.
(see photo section) - A dust screen has been installed on the site fence along James Avenue.
- Due to observed poor structural condition of the facade panels on the exterior walls of the Parkade, there will be an additional lane closure and parking restriction on Princess St in coming days. This is a safety precaution that will be enacted for the time it takes to remove all the façade panels along the roadway. Closure timing and duration to be announced upon confirmation.
Update January 8, 2020:
- Abatement of hazardous materials is ongoing in the PSB.
- With additional asbestos materials recently uncovered during the interior demolition of the PSB, the work schedule has been extended by three months with completion by October 2020.
- "Soft-stripping" (removal for salvage) of partitions and fixtures in PSB is ongoing.
- Outwardly-visible exterior demolition of the Parkade commences the week of January 20.
- James Avenue between King and Princess has been closed to vehicle traffic and parking. The Contractor is using James Avenue as a staging area for heavy equipment.
Update November 28, 2019:
- Abatement of hazardous materials is ongoing in the PSB.
- Demolition within the Parkade has commenced, particularly in the PSB garage which is the basement of the Parkade.
- Outwardly-visible exterior demolition of the Parkade commences in early January 2020.
- At present, the project remains on schedule for completion by July 2020.
- The project webcam is fully operational and streaming live on a City YouTube channel 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week.
- Please note that current lane closures on King and Princess are not associated with this project.
Update November 5, 2019:
- The contractor has secured the work site with fencing.
- Abatement of hazardous materials in the PSB is in progress.
- Pre-existing/undocumented asbestos has been encountered in PSB as interior demolition advances.
- Demolition of the Parkade is scheduled to commence the week of November 18.
- Demolition of PSB is anticipated to begin in Q1 2020.
- While the project webcam was installed and commissioned, we are working through technical issues to have it operate as intended.
Update September 12, 2019:
- Care and control of the property has been transferred from the City to the Contractor.
- Abatement of hazardous materials in the Civic Parkade is now complete.
- Site work has commenced, including a final inspection of the PSB exterior cladding so as to ensure the safety of workers and pedestrians while the building remains in place for the next several months.
- Demolition of the Parkade is expected to begin in November and be completed early next year.
- Over the next 3-4 months hazardous materials abatement will be ongoing in the PSB. Demolition will begin in Q1 2020.
- We anticipate the project concluding by July 2020.
- We hope to have a webcam set up later this month which will enable anyone with an internet connection to observe the project remotely.
Update July 24, 2019:
- Abatement of hazardous materials in the Civic Parkade is nearing completion (on-schedule/budget).
- The construction Tender "No. 230-2019B Readying the Lands at 151 & 171 Princess Street for Redevelopment Opportunity" was awarded on July 19, 2019.
- A pre-construction meeting with the Contractor has been held. The Contractor's work schedule including commencement, is forthcoming.
- The project team will be communicating work advisement with area stakeholders (adjacent businesses, college, residents).
- We are pursuing a plan to install a project camera at 510 Main St to create a time-lapse video over the duration of the project.
Update June 3, 2019:
- A contract for the abatement of hazardous materials in the Civic Parkade is now awarded. Work will begin on site June 6 and is expected to conclude within 4-6 weeks.
- The construction Tender "No. 230-2019B Readying the Lands at 151 & 171 Princess Street for Redevelopment Opportunity" has closed and a contract award is pending.
- We anticipate advancing the construction contract award report to SPC-PD on June 24, 2019.
- Work scheduling will be established upon award of contract.
Update May 6, 2019:
- The City secured a demolition permit for the intended work.
- A contract for the abatement of hazardous materials in the Civic Parkade is pending. Work is expected to begin in May 2019.
- The City received a Class 1 Cost Estimate of $9.7M for demolition, which includes a variance of -5% to +10%, per established industry standards.
- The Request for Qualification process to short-list prospective bidders has concluded; two vendors have been accepted for bidding.
- The construction Tender "No. 230-2019B Readying the Lands at 151 & 171 Princess Street for Redevelopment Opportunity" was posted on the Purchasing website on May 3, 2019.
- The City anticipates advancing the construction contract award report to the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development on June 24, 2019.
- Work scheduling will be established upon award of contract.
Click to enlarge the photos:
![]() April/29/2020 Demolition |
![]() April/29/2020 Demolition |
![]() April/29/2020 Demolition |
![]() April/29/2020 Demolition |
![]() January/22/2020 Demolition |
![]() January/22/2020 Demolition |
In December 2015, Deloitte released a report on the evaluation of strategic alternatives for the Public Safety Building (PSB) and Civic Centre Car Park (CCCP) which provided a clear rationale for the demolition of both structures. The Deloitte report indicated that the restoration of the PSB would not better meet the needs of the City, would not better contribute to downtown revitalization priorities, and would not provide value above and beyond other alternatives. These limitations, along with an associated high cost of restoration, combined to make a strong case in favour of demolition.
On April 12, 2016, the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development (SPC-PD) selected Alternative A "Large Public Space & Private Development' based on the findings of Deloitte's report, subject to public engagement, and upon completion of the public engagement, report back to Council for approval. SPC-PD also recommended that the City develop an Implementation Plan for Alternative A, inclusive of feasibility analyses, cost estimates, and scheduling requirements and upon completion of the plan, the City report back to Council for approval.
CentreVenture Development Corporation was asked to lead the public engagement and redevelopment process for the properties (known as Market Lands), along with the City's Planning, Property and Development Department. In May 2017, CentreVenture released the Market Lands Guiding Aspirations Report. The Urban Design Framework for Redevelopment of The Market Lands document was published on March 21, 2018. From July to December 2018, CentreVenture conducted an international design competition to choose a design team and architectural concept for the southern parcel of the Market Lands site. Daoust Lestage of Montreal was selected winner. They will work with CentreVenture and community partners and construction is planned to commence in late 2020.
On July 19, 2017, Council approved funding to procure design services and prepare a Class 3 cost estimate for readying the PSB and CCCP for redevelopment, inclusive of demolition of both building assets should such be required as part of the future redevelopment plan.
In early 2018, following the completion of a public Request for Proposal process in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Materials Management policy, Stantec Architecture Ltd. (Stantec) was awarded a consultant contract to complete the design and cost estimate for Readying the Lands of the former PSB and CCCP in two phases. The first phase included preliminary design and provision of Class 3 Cost Estimate. Based on the Class 3 Cost Estimate, $12.1 million was determined for this project. The second phase, which would include comprehensive design and provision for a Class 1 Cost Estimate, would only begin once Council provides approval.
On September 20, 2018, Council approved Alternative A, "Large Public Space and Private Development" from Deloitte's "Evaluation of Strategic Alternatives for the Public Safety Building and Civic Centre Car Park" report for implementation as a redevelopment plan for the former PSB and CCCP lands. The City was authorized to obtain a Class 1 Cost Estimate for readying the subject lands for redevelopment.
In March 2019 the City issued a public Request for Qualification to solicit contractor interest in the building demolition project. Shortlisted (qualified) proponents were invited to bid for the demolition contract that was tendered in May 2019. Upon contract award, it is anticipated the demolition work would tentatively commence in September, 2019 and, likely conclude in late 2020.
Document Name | Date | Type |
Guiding Aspirations Summary Report | 2017-05-26 | Reports |
Visit the CentreVenture sitefor more information on the project, site history and public engagement.
If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for our public engagement newsletter.
Frequently Asked Questions
In April 2016, Council resolved to demolish the former Public Safety Building and Civic Centre Car Park and embark on a public engagement process for the redevelopment of the lands they occupy.
As a result of findings in an engineering report by Croiser Kilgour & Partners Ltd. that was reviewed in August 2012 by senior management, the Chief Administrative Officer and the Winnipeg Parking Authority determined that the Civic Parkade at 171 Princess Street must be closed on August 24, 2012. Due to the age of the building, the City had been monitoring the parkade on an ongoing basis to ensure its structural integrity and closed the parkade as a precautionary measure.
It was recommended that the Public Safety Building be demolished due to significant structural limitations. As well, the design of the building presents a number of challenges, including:
- The entrance is not at street level and presents accessibility challenges.
- The main floor is not barrier-free which limits its potential uses.
- The existing column structure limits the development of underground parking.
- The Public Safety Building's supporting mechanical systems are currently located within the parkade and would have to be relocated to a ground level compound which may not be feasible within the footprint of the property.
- It will be financially impractical to retain the Tyndall Stone cladding.
- The potential for parcels of land are limited by the existing footprint of the building.
Date added: May 24, 2019
The façade of the Public Safety Building is an example of the Brutalist style of architecture defined by its deep-finned mullions, clear expression of structure, and local Tyndall stone cladding, which establishes a visual connection to the neighboring City Hall complex and is reminiscent of the style's more typical exposed and textured concrete. Although the Public Safety Building embodies heritage values, an adaptive reuse of the structure was not deemed to be feasible.
Date added: May 26, 2017
The project has been renamed "Market Lands" to reflect the important history of the site.
Date added: May 26, 2017
Demolition is planned to begin in September 2019 and the process is estimated to take10 months to complete.
Date added: May 24, 2019
A safe and methodical demolition is planned and it is not expected to involve the use of explosives. The building and parkade will be effectively deconstructed piece by piece, to preserve the materials for re-use, and to protect neighbouring businesses and residents during the demolition process. The parkade will be demolished first to free up working space, followed by the Public Safety Building.
Date added: May 24, 2019
A minimum of 95% of building and site materials will be salvaged for re-use or recycling. These materials will include: limestone, concrete, and metals such as steel and copper. Demolition activities will be performed in an environmentally responsible manner. While the demolition itself will not achieve LEED certification, the work will be done in such a way that achieves LEED points that would support a potential LEED Silver certification of future site development.
Date added: May 24, 2019
Please refer to CentreVenture's website:
Date added: May 24, 2019
Preparation work for the demolition will occur in the summer, which will include the erection of a fence around the property. As a result, City staff would not be able to gain access to maintain the flowers.
Date added: May 24, 2019