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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


St. John's Park Redevelopment Master Plan

The City of Winnipeg is seeking public feedback on a redevelopment master plan for St. John's Park. The redevelopment features improvements on recreation and leisure options, accessibility and safety, gardens and cultural heritage within St. John's Park. The City is asking the community to share their vision for the site to ensure that the proposed redevelopment plans meet residents' visions and needs for the area.


A public engagement report summarizing what we heard is now available.

Thank you to everyone who took time to fill out the online survey available on this site from May 17 to 31, 2017. We collected 110 surveys. Information collected on this project is now being analyzed and incorporated into the project design.

Open House

On June 22, 2017, we held an open house session within the park to share the Park Redevelopment Master Plan conceptual designs with citizens. There were 28 people in attendance and 12 surveys were completed.

The North End Renewal Corporation assists in organizing an annual community-wide picnic in the park in August. Public input gathered as part of this public engagement process such as survey results and conceptual designs of the redevelopment master plan will be posted on the project webpage.

Call 204-986-3938 or email if you have questions or feedback.

If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our public engagement newsletter.

Project Timeline




St. John's Park, originally a treeless prairie, was purchased by the City of Winnipeg from the Anglican Church in 1893, and was one of the City's first four parks. Elms and Cottonwoods were planted on the site shortly after its purchase. The riverbank was terraced and the addition of a riverbank walkway was added along with amenities in the park such as a bandstand and a wading pool. The development of flowerbeds and wandering pathways, as well as a lawn bowling green, were also prominent features of this park's original design. Over 4,000 trees were planted by 1895.

To celebrate the 125th anniversary of St. John's Park, the City is undertaking a redevelopment master plan to ensure the park continues to meet the needs of the community.

Approximately $340,000 is available through the City's Parks and Recreation Enhancement Fund (PREP) for the redevelopment master plan and the first phase of park redevelopment. The redevelopment master plan will guide future park redevelopment decision-making in the coming years. The open house in June will share the redevelopment master plan along with ongoing engagement findings that helped shape the first phase construction.

Construction will begin in late 2017/ early 2018.

An inventory of all park features and assets and their general condition will be documented and mapped. This includes:

  • Buildings;
  • Pathways;
  • Active transportation links;
  • Trees and gardens;
  • Play structures;
  • Sports facilities; and,
  • Lighting and signage.


Document Name Date Type
Open House Boards 2017-06-22 Storyboard
Healing Forest 2017-06-22 Handout
Public Engagement Report 2017-11-06 Report

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the St. John's redevelopment master plan consultation about?
The City of Winnipeg is seeking public feedback on improving recreation and leisure options, accessibility and safety, gardens, and cultural heritage within St. John's Park. The redevelopment master plan will provide maintenance recommendations and improvements for key park features based on analysis and community input. As part of the redevelopment master plan, the City will undertake an inventory of all park features and assets, document their general condition, and map them. The City is asking the community to share their vision for the site to ensure that the proposed redevelopment plan meet residents' visions and needs for the area.
Why is this needed?
To celebrate the 125th anniversary of St. John's Park, the City is undertaking a redevelopment master plan to ensure the park continues to meet the needs of the residents in the area.
What's the budget for the project?
Approximately $340,000 is available through the City's Parks and Recreation Enhancement Fund (PREP) for a redevelopment master plan which will guide future park redevelopment decision making in the coming years.
When will construction begin?
Construction is expected to begin in fall 2017.
How long will the project take?
Construction is expected to be completed in 2018.
Last update: August 16, 2018
Parks Areas
North Area 1 Parks click here for athletic fields in North 1 Click here for athletic fields in the South Area Click here for athletic fields in South Area Click here for athletic fields in North 2 Click here for athletic fields in East Area Click here for athletic fields in East Area

Did you know that when you register your child for a sport at a local community centre, a portion of the registration fee is used to:

Aerate, top dress, and fertilize soccer, baseball and football pitches? The fee only contributes to approximately 50% of the total cost of these services.

This youth athletic fee is already included in your registration fee, and is approximately $10 per participant.


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