Our Department
Our Vision
To be leaders in building public trust in our civic government.
Our Mission
To support City Council and the Public Service by providing objective and independent advice and assurance with respect to governance, risk management, performance and accountability.
The City Auditor
The City Auditor is a statutory officer appointed by City Council under The City of Winnipeg Charter and is independent of the Public Service. Powers and authorities granted through The City of Winnipeg Charter, By-laws and Council motions support the position and mandate of the City Auditor.
The City Auditor conducts examinations of the operations of the City and its affiliated bodies to assist Council in its governance role of ensuring the accountability of the Public Service for the quality of stewardship over public funds and for the achievement of value for money in City operations.
The City Auditor is directly accountable to City Council through the Audit Committee which is comprised of Executive Policy Committee members.
The City Auditor must supervise and is responsible for all matters relating to the internal operations of the offices of the city auditor and the employees employed under the City Auditor. They may regulate and establish procedures in respect of the operations of the office; and may appoint and compensate, within a budget approved by council, such employees as the City Auditor considers necessary for carrying out the powers, duties and functions of the City Auditor, and may suspend them.
The City Auditor has broad and defined powers of access to information and City employees in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter.
The City Auditor is also the Chief Performance Officer of the City of Winnipeg.
Our Mandate
- To examine problem areas, within the capabilities of the Audit Department, which are brought to the Auditor's attention by taxpayers, department heads, employees, Council, Standing Committees of Council, members of Council and the CAO.
- To act as an internal consulting group to provide information and help to civic departments within the capabilities and resources of the Audit Department.
- To examine and evaluate the adequacy of the City's systems of internal control, both financial and operational.
- To determine whether applicable sections of The City of Winnipeg Charter, by-laws, regulations, orders of Council and administrative directives have been complied with, as well as applicable federal and provincial legislation.
- To review the performance of operations to ensure money was expended with due regard to economy and efficiency.
- To monitor the implementation of recommendations from audit reports and report on the status of implementation of recommendations to Audit Committee.
- To provide advice and assistance on the definition and development of performance measures, the implementation of performance management systems and the reporting of performance information to the public and to advocate for the use of performance information.
Our Strategic Goals
To deliver value-added, cost effective and innovative audit service and repots in accordance with the Council approved audit plan.
To support the achievement of transparent, efficient and effective City government services.
Independence and Objectivity
The Audit Department performs its work in accordance with Government Auditing Standards. These standards provide professional guidance for government-related audits and require us to follow CPA Canada standardsand Government Auditing Standards. The Audit Department recently completed its third peer review for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022, and has received a rating of pass. It is the opinion of the Association of Local Government Auditors that the Audit Department’s quality control system was suitably designed and operating effectively to provide reasonable assurance of our compliance with Government Auditing Standards for audits and engagements for the period reviewed.
Independence is the cornerstone of legislative auditing. To be credible, we must maintain an independent position within the organization. We must bring an objective state of mind to all of our work. Mechanisms that must be in place to promote independence and objectivity include:
- Auditors are required to follow strict standards established by their professional associations,
- Quality assurance practices have been implemented to ensure that Audit reports present information that is reliable, fair and balanced.