2021 Census
City of Winnipeg Neighbourhood Profiles
In partnership with local community organizations, other levels of Government and the Community Social Data Strategy, the City of Winnipeg has purchased 2021 Statistics Canada Census Data based on a variety of custom geographies. The City of Winnipeg is pleased to provide this community profile data for community use.
The previously posted 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001 and 1996 Census Data also remains accessible by clicking on the Census Profile tab at the top of this page. Every effort has been made to provide the data in a fashion that allows for trend analysis over the years.
Questions or clarifications can be emailed to: NeighbourhoodProfiles
Click on the map to get information on a neighbourhood. Neighbourhood boundaries are indicated in red. Major streets are shown in black, unless they represent a neighbourhood boundary (shown in red).
◄ Back to Alphabetical Neighbourhood Listing
Fort Garry South Neighbourhood Cluster
Fort Garry South Neighbourhood Cluster.pdf Fort Garry South Neighbourhoods Agassiz
Fort Garry South Neighbourhood Cluster.xlsx
Bridgwater Centre
Bridgwater Centre.pdf
Bridgwater Centre.xlsx
Bridgwater Forest
Bridgwater Forest.pdf
Bridgwater Forest.xlsx
Bridgwater Lakes
Bridgwater Lakes.pdf
Bridgwater Lakes.xlsx
Bridgwater Trails
Bridgwater Trails.pdf
Bridgwater Trails.xlsx
Cloutier Drive
Cloutier Drive.pdf
Cloutier Drive.xlsx
Fairfield Park
Fairfield Park.pdf
Fairfield Park.xlsx
Fort Richmond
Fort Richmond.pdf
Fort Richmond.xlsx
Parc La Salle
Parc La Salle.pdf
Parc La Salle.xlsx
Prairie Pointe
Prairie Pointe.pdf
Prairie Pointe.xlsx
Richmond Lakes
Richmond Lakes.pdf
Richmond Lakes.xlsx
Richmond West
Richmond West.pdf
Richmond West.xlsx
South Pointe
South Pointe.pdf
South Pointe.xlsx
St. Norbert
St. Norbert.pdf
St. Norbert.xlsx
Waverley Heights
Waverley Heights.pdf
Waverley Heights.xlsx

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