2016 Growth Study
The City of Winnipeg has gone through a period of growth that has impacted the City’s operating and capital costs and revenues. This growth is placing pressure on public infrastructure and the need for City Council to invest in additional capacity to accommodate growth. At the same time, the condition of existing infrastructure is deteriorating. Both of these factors create an infrastructure deficit that the City has to address. Currently, our only option is to fund both deficits with the property tax. As such, the City is looking to determine the relationship between growth-related costs and revenues.
To that end, the City has asked a consulting firm to conduct industry consultation, provide an analysis of best practices across other municipalities, and an exploration of growth-related costs and revenues.
The consultant will be requested to provide recommendations regarding financial mechanisms that would best serve in supporting growth management and implementation options.
The Public Service’s position is that the City has the statutory authority to create one or more new, innovative financial mechanisms to support growth management without the need to raise taxes on Winnipeggers.
The City will receive the final report on August 31, 2016.
In previous years, the City conducted similar research, including on Growth Development Charges, but not one of similar scope.
- HEMSON Financing Growth Study Presentation - September 1, 2016
- HEMSON Growth Study Presentation 2 - August 18, 2016
- HEMSON Growth Study Presentation - July 19, 2016
- HEMSON Review of Municipal Growth Financing Mechanisms
- August 31, 2016 - HEMSON Determination of Regulatory Fees to Finance Growth: Technical Report - August 31, 2016