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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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August 2012

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Join us in welcoming our newest City of Winnipeg interns!

August 24, 2012

animal services interns 2012Katrina Derbecker, Teresa Sutherland and Michelle Cardinal joined the Animal Services Agency for the summer as License Inspectors interns. These Aboriginal youth were awarded status as Special Constable to assist in enforcing the Zero Tolerance Policy on Dog Licensing in the City of Winnipeg. The interns received training and education to investigate delinquent licenses and issue offence notices. The interns will continue for the remainder of the summer with job shadowing and receive mentorship from an Animal Services Officer. Welcome interns!

Welcome By-law Enforcement Officer Interns

August 24, 2012

by law interns photo 2012Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak welcomes Chantel Loveday and Ryan Proulx who were the successful incumbents of the By-law Enforcement Officer Internship recruitment. Chantel and Ryan began in May and have embraced a combination of field experience, training, mentorship and job shadowing within Community By-law Enforcement Services (CBES). As part of their internships, Chantel and Ryan will embark on training through Northwest Academy Training School before returning to complete their field experience. One of our goals for these 18-month internships is to equip interns with the training and experience required to qualify for entry level positions within CBES. Congratulations Chantel and Ryan and good luck!

Stream One Partner Highlight - Broadway Neighbourhood Centre

August 10, 2012

bnc logojusttv logoJust TV provides a unique and exciting chance for youth aged 16 to 24 to develop their artistic talents and learn about the technology behind video production!

With the knowledge and support of Just TV staff, youth create a short video that 'tells their story.' Youth take their thoughts and feelings, put them into words, act them out, add music and in the end have their very own personal creation! Twice a year participants put on a live show where they perform or show their videos, which are made available on the internet and on a compilation DVD!


Ndinawe Launches New Website!

August 7, 2012

Ndinawe logoOne of our community partners, Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. recently launched its new website! Check it out for information on all its programs, including transitional school, Safe House, Transitional Home for Youth, and the many programs running out of the Youth Resource Centre.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak is a supporter of the Recreation Program, which allows participants of all athletic backgrounds to learn and excel in different sports. Participants learn everyday life skills such as team work, commitment, physical fitness and responsibility. Activities include mixed martial arts, golf, weight training, horse-back riding, tobogganing, ice skating, floor & ice hockey, baseball, and soccer.

Last update: August 25, 2015
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