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Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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May 2012

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Youth Role Models Honoured!

May 12, 2012

YRMA imageLast night, fourteen recipients of this year's Youth Role Model Awards were honoured at a gala event! The City of Winnipeg's Citizen Equity Committee selected the teens within seven categories. Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak was happy to sponsor the awards granted to four Aboriginal youth. Join us in recognizing the accomplishments of Lynden Traverse (Education & Training), Corey Cook (Advocacy), Nathan Maresty (Sports) and Erica Daniels (Performing Arts). Congratulations to all recipients!

2012 E-Spirit National Gathering and Awards Gala

May 18, 2012

This year Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak was a turtle sponsor of the E-Spirit National Gathering, hosted by the University of Manitoba.

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) E-Spirit business plan competition is a national program designed to encourage Aboriginal students in grades 10 to 12 to consider the benefits of entrepreneurship! Students learn about business development, planning, practices, networking while also receiving national media attention, awards and prizes.

Last night, Canada's most enterprising Aboriginal high school students were honoured at the awards gala. Lindsay Hourie was on hand to present the Social Media Award to Zeballos, British Columbia's own Erick Michael, Damien Cox and Darien Baker for their business E Michael Productions.

The group produces music and laid out the following next steps for their business: creating a formal structure for the company to move from free to paid content, providing digital overlays for vocal artists using their original instrumentals for a royalty fee and establishing a music label!

Congratulations to all the 2012 contestants!

BDC Article

Michael Champagne Featured Speaker at TEDxManitoba

May 1, 2012

Michael Champagne, a former City of Winnipeg youth intern, was a featured speaker at TEDxManitoba 2012. Michael was one of 15 speakers coming from diverse backgrounds - from motivational speakers and life coaches to youth workers and community activists. When asked why he was excited to participate, he stated: "I'm excited to speak because I want to bust stereotypes. I want to be able to share my example as someone who survived the child welfare system, the inner city of Winnipeg, life as a young Aboriginal man-and I am still standing and smiling today." Check out Michael's complete TEDxManitoba talk, titled

Visit Oppression to Opportunity! for full video!

Last update: August 25, 2015
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