Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

April 2013
TINC Program Calendars
April 30, 2013
Here are the Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre program calendar of events and such.
View Calendar here.
Resource Assistance for Youth: Growing Opportunities
April 25, 2013
Resource Assistance for Youth is looking to hire youth between the ages of 18 and 29 for a variety of grounds keeping jobs at Assiniboine Park this summer. Any youth who are interested are advised to talk to the Growing Opportunities department for more information by calling 204-783-5617 ext 208. Those wishing to apply should email a current resume to the Growing Opportunites Coordinator, Brie Henderson at bhenderson@rayinc.ca with ‘Summer Work’ in the subject line.
The deadline for applications is Monday, April 29th, 2013.
Growing Opportunities program at RaY PDF
The Aboriginal Day Live and Celebration Flag Contest 2013
April 23, 2013
APTN is issuing a call for entries to design a flag that reflects the best essence of National Aboriginal Day. Contest is open to residents of Canada aged 12 to 17 years. The winning artwork submission will be transferred into flag format. The Winner's flag will be raised at the APTN Head Office in Winnipeg, Manitoba during Aboriginal Day Live and Celebration on or about June 22, 2013.
Deadline is May 17, 2013.
Download contest rule & regulations.
(Rules have been revised so read them over!)
Bringing Culture to BNC
April 11, 2013
The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre is proud to announce new cultural programming for youth of all ages.
Join in and learn more about traditional teachings and fun cultural activities every Wednesday from 4-8 and some weekends. To register, please email Erica Daniels at ericamarie@thebnc.ca
Ojibway Language and People iPhone App
April 4, 2013
Learn Ojibway today with the Ojibway iPhone App available on iTunes.
This new native language app was created by Ogoki Learning Systems Inc. based on the Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation. Our new Ojibway language App are changes the way people learn the Ojibway Language.