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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

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May 2013

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Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre nominates Crystal Leach!

May 10, 2013

Young Woman of Distinction: Recognizes a young woman who is respected and admired for her leadership, achievements and contributions to her school, workplace and/or community and is a positive influence on her peers. She has shown perseverance, maturity, innovation and compassion and is "making her mark".

Crystal Leach


A teenager revealed she was "in one of the darkest" periods of her life, leaning toward dropping out of school, when she met Crystal. "Crystal changed my perspective on life," the girl wrote. It is that profound impact Crystal has on people, particularly aboriginal youth, that’s made her a role model as the Future is Yours Coordinator with Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre’s youth program. Having walked in the shoes of many of the youth she guides, Crystal develops programs that have helped them turn their lives around. A popular 3-on-3 basketball tournament she helped establish in 2002 assists youth to leave gangs. She’s also created a program providing training to empower youth to be productive members of society. The former recreation technician with the City of Winnipeg enhances her own knowledge through courses covering suicide intervention, peer support, substance abuse and non-violent crisis intervention. It’s not a surprise another support writes, "If only we could have many more Crystals in our communities."

Visit here for more information.

Aboriginal Youth Summer Career Week

May 9, 2013

Summer Career Week with Winnipeg Police and the Winnipeg Fire & Paramedic Services being offered for August 2013.

Are you interested or thinking of a career in either the Winnipeg Police Service

Recruiting youth 15-18 to participate in these hands on learning career camps!

Ever wondered what kind of professional occupations exist in the Winnipeg Police Service?
Ever wonder what kind of training Fire Fighters and Paramedics take to perform the job that they do?

These camps will provide you an opportunity to learn all about their professional roles and participate in hands on activities.

Winnipeg Police Services

Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Services

Deadline is July 14, 2013.

2013 Post Secondary Scholarship

May 9, 2013

Scholarships in the amount of $1000 will be awarded to Aboriginal Students who are enrolled in fulltime post-secondary education at a recognized post-secondary institution in Winnipeg. This scholarship will support with their tuition expenses.

Please apply if you meeting the following criteria

  • Must be of Aboriginal Descent
  • Aboriginal Youth under the age of 30
  • Willing to provide proof of registration into a recognized Post Secondary Institution
  • Demonstrate interest in a career with the City of Winnipeg

Download Application.

Deadline June 30, 2013

Last update: August 25, 2015
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