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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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April 2015

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8 Library Shelver Internships Available!

Looking for a part-time job? Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, the City of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Youth Strategy is now...

Posted by City of Winnipeg – Municipal Government on Monday, 20 April 2015

Aboriginal Relations Division has a new website!

April 20, 2015

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak would like to announce
the new website for the City of Winnipeg's
Aboriginal Relations Division!

The Aboriginal Relations Division has a mandate to provide leadership and experience from an Aboriginal perspective on civic programs, services and initiatives that support and address the needs of Winnipeg's Aboriginal community, now and into the future.

The City of Winnipeg's Aboriginal Relations Division was established in March 2013. Committed to enhancing our relationship with and providing opportunities for Winnipeg's Aboriginal population and particularly young people, the City of Winnipeg has strengthened, enhanced and expanded this mandate through the creation of the Aboriginal Relations Division.

The Division is situated within the Corporate Support Services Department; who collaborates to build a skilled, diverse and healthy workforce; to develop innovative technology solutions; and to provide the best services and information for citizens.

The Aboriginal Relations Division coordinates Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, the City of Winnipeg's Aboriginal Youth Strategy! Building on the success of Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, the Aboriginal Relations Division will be able to embed this approach into developing future civic initiatives, community relationships, and initiatives with other levels of government.

Our previous youth was nominated for the Young Woman of Distinction Award!

April 30, 2015

Congratulations to Erica Daniels for being nominated for YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg's Young Woman of Distinction Award:

erica daniels

"Erica Daniels
Nominated by National Screen Institute

Eric's motivation to help youth through story-telling started at the young age of 16, when she became involved with JUST TV, an at-risk youth community-based program. Erica was instrumental to The City of Winnipeg, developing multimedia projects for Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, whose mission is to give Aboriginal youth positive opportunities in the community and civic system. Erica has proven her skills in videography working with the Aboriginal People's Choice Music Awards. Despite her busy schedule, Erica makes every effort to give back to her community while using every chance to present youth with opportunities of growth."

YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg's Woman of Distinction Awards

Last update: April 24, 2018
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