Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

November 2015
Photos from the 6th Annual Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak Celebration are now available to view.
November 26, 2015
«–Click on the photo see the gallery!
Every year, Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak hosts a celebration to honour Aboriginal youth who are recipients of the Next Step Award, Post-Secondary Scholarship, Aboriginal Scholarship and Service Award, and participants who have completed internships and work placements across the civic system. On Thursday, November 19, 2015, a total of 58 awards and recognitions were presented to youth.
Sixteen Next Step Awards were offered to youth who have demonstrated commitment in taking their “next step” towards reaching their educational and/or employment goals. Each award up to $1,000 will assist with costs such as work equipment, school supplies, transportation, childcare or tuition. This grant is open to youth who have participated in programs offered by Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak’s partner organizations.
Ten Post-Secondary Scholarships were presented to local Aboriginal youth between the ages of 15 and 30 who are registered at a post-secondary institution and have expressed interest in a career at the City of Winnipeg. Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each will be applied to their tuition.
Thirteen Aboriginal Scholarship and Service Awards were presented to students in Grades 7 to 12 Winnipeg schools for their efforts in academic and community leadership. This program encourages students to stay in school and consider a post-secondary education towards careers found at the City of Winnipeg.
Nineteen youth were recognized for completing internships and work placements in the following City departments: Audit, Corporate Finance, Corporate Support Services, Community Services, Planning, Property and Development, and Winnipeg Transit. These youth have been exposed to hands-on experience and mentorship in their various fields. Some of these youth have returned to post-secondary school or have gained further employment.
Sign up to our Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak Email List to be updated when we do our next intake of the opportunities mentioned above. All you need to do is email us at OshkiAnnishinabeNigaaniwak@winnipeg.ca and request to be added!
Ka Ni Kanichihk’s Annual Chili Cook-Off
November 10, 2015
Visit at our partner organization, Ka Ni Kanichihk, and enjoy a warm bowl of chili of your choice (or three chili cups), an apple crisp, bannock and pop for only $8.00! All proceeds will go towards United Way.
Date | Friday, November 20, 2015 |
Time | 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. |
Location: | 455 McDermot Avenue |

Download Ka Ni Kanichihk's Annual Chili Cook-Off Poster
Aboriginal Business Youth Forum
November 10, 2015
The Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce & the Aboriginal Business Service Network are co-hosting a FREE event for Aboriginal Youth who would like to learn about owning and operating a business.
Keynote Speaker | Lisa Monkman |
Entertainment: | Ivan Flett Memorial Dancers |
When: | Tuesday, November 17, 2015 10:00 a.m. to noon |
Where: | Neeginan Centre, 181 Higgins Avenue |
Lunch will be served, school groups are welcome!

Download Aboriginal Business Forum Poster
Forever in Our Hearts Pancake Breakfast
November 10, 2015
Winnipeg Police Service, in partnership with our community partners, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Secretariat and Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, are hosting their free annual Forever in Our Hearts Pancake Breakfast!
All monetary donations raised will go towards Families First Foundation to support families of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Date: | Thursday, December 3, 2015 |
Time: | 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. |
Location: | Indian & Metis Friendship Centre 45 Robinson Street |

Download Forever in Our Hearts Pancake Breakfast Poster
3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
November 9, 2015
Come play basketball for free with one of OAN's partners!
Contact Crystal@ndinawe.ca for more information