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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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Youth In Trades

The City of Winnipeg’s Indigenous Youth Strategy, Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, has been a proud supporter in providing Indigenous youth access to training and employment initiatives within the construction and skilled trades sector.

Featured Partners in Trades

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Neeginan College of Applied Technology

CAHRD’s in-house technical and vocational post-secondary training division, CAHRD works closely in partnership with industry, business and training institutions to ensure that students are prepared for jobs in high-demand industries.

Neeginan College offers a variety of full-time training programs that deliver hands-on work experience in a sustainable career. We provide free information sessions on the current programs followed by a tour of our college facilities. These sessions run every Friday at 9:00 a.m. in room 304. Please call ahead via (204) 989-7110 since the sessions fill up quickly.

All new applicants must complete a Level Placement Test (LPT) to help determine their academic level. The Level Placement test is conducted in a group setting. LPT tests are held every Monday and Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in room 304.

Program Supports

CAHRD offers a variety of supports services for students attending our education and training programs:

  • Experienced, respectful, and certified teachers
  • Access to employment, academic and personal counselling
  • Library facilities
  • Computer lab and internet access
  • Tutoring available every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Guest speakers & workshops
  • Advocacy with external agencies
  • Application assistance to post-secondary institutions
  • Medical and counselling referrals

Stay tuned for featured youth who are recent graduates from this exciting program!

Urban Circle Training Centre

An accredited Indigenous Adult Learning Centre that has been engaged for 27 years in transformative work with Winnipeg’s Indigenous community in the area of education, training and employment. Utilizing a holistic model that combines western practices and Indigenous knowledge, Urban Circle has had a solid track record of success. Over 85% of the 150 students enrolled annually at Urban Circle complete their education and training and 90% of graduates find sustainable employment in a professional career. Urban Circle is located in a state-of-the-art educational facility at 519 Selkirk Avenue.

Apprenticeship Program

In the fall of 2015 Urban Circle began the recruitment and intake for an apprenticeship pilot project that has proved to be an unparalleled success. Twelve Indigenous students were selected and started the program in January 2016 as a special stream within Urban Circle’s Adult Education and Employment program where the students could attain a Mature Grade 12 Diploma while benefiting from Essential Skills training targeted to their  trade. As with all of the students who attend Urban Circle, the apprenticeship students received important cultural teachings and life skills knowledge and practice from the Elders and their Life Skills Coach/Counselor. This is the component that graduates point to as key to their success. The traditional teachings in concert with the wrap around counseling supports provided to each student results in completion of their Mature Grade 12 Pre-apprenticeship diploma

Featured Youth

Brandon Brown

We recently caught up with graduates from the Urban Circle Training Centre’s Pipe Fitting Program. Brandon Brown and Ian Brass are well on their way to making big leaps forward in their newly found careers. We asked them to share a few words on their experience, inspiration and why you should consider a career in the Trades.
“What inspired me to get into the sprinkler installation and pipe-fitting trade was starting a career. You get treated with respect and you’re not just a grunt working a dead end job with no room for advancement. This program inspired me by having a trade under my belt and to continue furthering my educational path by going to college and obtaining a Red Seal in pipefitting.”

Ian Brass

“Trades have been something I have always been interested in. I like being on my feet and working with my hands. This trade is a great opportunity and learning experience for me. My goal is to obtain my Journeyman’s ticket in pipefitting and sprinkler installation.”

MITT Youth Build

MITT YouthBuild has a proven success record in regards to students graduating and securing employment.  The program integrates academics, employability skills, leadership development and entrepreneurship. Students have access to a social worker, elder and employment resources. Many cultural activities are planned throughout the school year. One of the pillars of the YouthBuild program is the practicum, where students are able to apply their knowledge andskills on a real jobsite.

Exploration to Trades

This program offers for-credit high school courses which include Woodworking, Construction Technology, Mathematics and English Language Arts at the Grade 12 level.  Essential Skills and employment readiness outcomes are integrated into all courses.  Students will have the opportunity to obtain various safety certificates and their Driver’s License. In the later part of the school year students will participate in construction related work experience. Upon successful completion students will graduate with a Mature High School Diploma.

Carpentry - Level 1

This program is accredited by Apprenticeship Manitoba and follows the Carpentry Level 1 Apprenticeship Manitoba program and integrates as Essential Skills into all courses to enhance employability skills and job readiness. Students will train with the goal of securing long term employment in the construction and renovation industry. A work practicum is included in this program. All hours accrued can be applied towards the Apprenticeship Manitoba Carpentry Level 1 certification.

Career Opportunities

Completion of the YouthBuild programs can lead to employment in the construction industry and/or other post-secondary and employment opportunities.

All applicants will be asked to participate in an intake assessment process to determine if they possess minimum program entrance requirements that will provide them with the best opportunity to complete the program and operate safely in a construction environment. All inquiries can be addressed to or 204-615-4930.
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