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Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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Employment & Employment Development

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Current scholarship opportunities offered by the City of Winnipeg:

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak Scholarship Program

If you are an Indigenous youth up to 30 years of age and a post-secondary student in need of help with tuition, apply for this scholarship offered by Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, the City of Winnipeg's Indigenous Youth Strategy. Deadline to apply is August 23, 2024.

Scholarships in the amount of $1,000.00 will be awarded to Indigenous students who are enrolled in fulltime post-secondary education at a recognized post-secondary institution in Winnipeg. The $1,000.00 scholarship is provided to students to assist with tuition expenses and is provided directly to the institution on the student’s behalf.

OAN Post-Secondary Scholarship Application

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak's Community Partners:

Eagle's Nest Program - Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs

Are you an Indigenous youth living in Winnipeg between the ages of 15 to 30? Are you unemployed but interested in work or going back to school?

Try out the Eagle's Nest Program offered at the Eagle Urban Transition Centre. This program works with Indigenous youth who are out-of-school or unemployed and offers them support and guidance to return to school, enroll in training opportunities or obtain employment. Youth are provided the opportunity to gain certifications such as First Aid/ Level C CPR, Level 1 Food Handlers and ASIST (Suicide Prevention Training), as well as have the chance to enjoy recreation activities, cultural activities, listen to speakers throughout the community and have volunteer opportunities. All of the above will contribute to your self-confidence and career readiness!

If you are interested in this program, please call the Eagle's Nest Coordinators at  204-954-3075.

The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs - Eagles Nest Website

First Jobs 4 Youth Program - Spence Neighbourhood Association

Are you 16 to 18 years old?
Do you live in the Spence neighbourhood?
Do you want to gain work experience and new skills?

FJ4Y is a paid summer and fall work experience and employment training program! During the summer work program, participants gain certificates, skills and experience while completing workshops and assisting with the organization’s programs or community gardens. The following fall when classes resume, successful participants are offered part-time work placements with local businesses, agencies or institutions.

Spence Neighbourhood Association - Youth Employment Opportunities Website

Future Is Yours Program - Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

The goal of the Future is Yours program is to provide youth between the ages of 15-24 with skills, training and volunteer experiences to gain employment. Through weekly workshops, participants will learn how to write their resume, acquired various certifications and gain valuable volunteer experience. The program is also designed for the youth to gain employment with the City of Winnipeg Recreation Department for summer employment as well as Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata’s summer green team.

Future Is Yours also focuses on self growth and goal setting as part as the program outcomes. Ways that this is incorporated into Future Is Yours is through workshops such as goal setting activities, suicide awareness and prevention, healthy relationships, community awareness and personal empowerment. The program is designed for the youth to better understand the community and the labor market, develop leadership skills, self esteem and confidence.

Future Is Yours Program Website

Growing Opportunities Program - Resource Assistance for Youth

Resource Assistance for Youth, RaY, works with street-entrenched and homeless youth to overcome obstacles to employment. The program provides assistance with addressing barriers such as lack of personal supports, relevant identification, education, experience and/or varied personal circumstances. Workers help youth identify their goals, seek training opportunities, find supportive work placements and sustain employment once it is obtained.

Resource Assistance for Youth, Inc. - Growing Opportunities Program Website

Honouring Gifts Program - Ka Ni Kanichihk

The Honouring Gifts program is designed to educate and empower Aboriginal mothers and support them in unlocking their potential. Honouring Gifts is a 40 week full time training program that provides employability skills, cultural awareness, work experience in the field of your choice, life skills, exposure to post-secondary options, and certified trainings in Food Handlers, WHIMIS, CPR/First Aid, and Manitoba Best customer service.

This program also focuses on the 9 essential skills for the workplace which are reading, document use, numeracy, writing, oral communication, working with others, thinking digital technology and continuous learning.

If you are an Aboriginal mother between the ages of 18-30 who wishes to build on your gifts though a variety of employment focused workshops and certificate trainings this program may be for you.

Spaces are available and applications are now being accepted for an upcoming program intake. Support with finding childcare is also available. Applications can be picked up Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at:

455 McDermot Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3A 0B5

Please call Ka Ni Kanichihk at 204-953-5820 for further information or to apply.

Ka Ni Kanichihk - Honouring Gifts Program Website

Indigenous Carpentry Program

Want to get into a trade? How about carpentry?

In partnership with the Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak, Manitoba Government and Red River College, Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Inc. delivers an Indigenous Carpentry Program.

Eligibility Requirements: Indigenous, minimum of 19 years of age, has been out of school in the past 6 months, eligible for funding support, and completion of grade 10 levels.

If you are interested in this program, please contact Amber Sumner at (204) 940-1700 or for more information.

Indigenous Leadership Development Institute Inc. - Indigenous Carpentry Program Website

Just TV Program - Broadway Neighbourhood Centre

Are you aged 16 to 24?

Interested in working with multimedia?

Want to explore your artistic side through music and video?

This program provides youth a chance to express themselves through multimedia while also exploring career options within this exciting field! Youth take part in all facets of the audio and video industry from script writing to production while making personal videos and works aimed at dissuading young children from drugs, crime and gang activity. All videos and projects are showcased at a year-end celebration for friends, families, and supporters! Call 204-772-9253 for more information.

Broadway Neighbourhood Centre - Just TV Website

Youth Recreation Activity Worker Program - Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg

The Youth Recreation Activity Worker program is designed to prepare youth to work with inner city youth to provide healthy recreational activities. This program is a joint initiative of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg and Red River College.

For registration information call the Winnipeg Boys and Girls Club at 204-982-4943.

Red River College – Youth Recreation Activity Worker Program Website

General Supports for Youth

Should a barrier prevent a youth in realizing their potential for an opportunity with the City of Winnipeg, we offer supports in addressing them. Supports can include assistance with Criminal Record Checks, First Aid and CPR certificates, etc. Requests for assistance are reviewed on a case by case basis in a confidential manner.

Employment opportunities offered by the City of Winnipeg:

Video Internships

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak offers a 12-month video internship to work in the Indigenous Relations Division. This exciting opportunity allows interns to participate and experience a variety of local and City-arranged events to capture memorable moments on film. Interns also work with many civic departments and our community partners to create informational or promotional videos on projects and programs.

Check out the work of all of our previous video interns in our Videos Gallery.

Unfortunately, we currently have no vacant openings for this opportunity. We highly encourage you to so we can notify you as soon as a position becomes available.

Website Internship

In partnership with the City of Winnipeg’s Corporate Web Services Branch, we offer a 12-month web internship. The web intern is responsible for maintaining the Indigenous Relations Division Website and Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak website to ensure the Indigenous community can access information, resources and opportunities. Other responsibilities include graphic design and providing technical assistance to corporate web projects within the City of Winnipeg’s internal and external websites.

To view the current Website Internship posting, please visit Current Job Openings or Corporate Web Specialist Intern.

Current Job Openings

Volunteer Opportunities

Career Events and Outreach Services

Employment services offered by external organizations:

Employment Services at CAHRD

Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development offers comprehensive services to job-seekers that can lead directly to employment through job preparation (interview skills, resume workshops, job referrals) or by creating a strategy for employment through further education and training.

CAHRD offers free orientation sessions every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. and Thursday at 1:00 p.m. for anyone interested in learning more about our education and employment services. Please call ahead since the sessions fill up quickly (204) 989 7110.

Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development (CAHRD)
304-181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg Manitoba R3B 3G1
Telephone: 204-989-7110
Fax: 204-989-7113
CAHRD Website

Educational opportunities offered by external organizations:

Aboriginal Education Awards - Business Council of Manitoba

The Business Council of Manitoba offers a scholarship program to help Indigenous students attend a recognized university or college in Manitoba. Institutions include Assiniboine Community College, Booth University College, Brandon University, Canadian Mennonite University, Providence University College, Red River College, Steinbach Bible College, University College of the North, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, Université de Saint-Boniface, and Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology.

If you are of Indigenous ancestry, you are eligible to apply for this award, provided you meet the following criteria:

  • You are a citizen of Canada and permanent resident of Manitoba, having resided in Manitoba for the last 12 months;
  • You plan to enroll in one of the recognized and authorized Manitoba post-secondary institutions in the upcoming academic year, in any discipline (trades, business, general studies, science, etc.);
  • You maintain fulltime status (at least a 60% course load);
  • You are in need of financial assistance; and
  • If you are receiving funding from other sources, you may still apply for this award to cover additional costs.

Please note the deadline for this award is March 31.

For applications and more information on this award program, please visit the Business Council of Manitoba – Aboriginal Education Awards Website.

Engineering Access Program - University of Manitoba

Did you know? Less than one percent of engineers in Canada are Indigenous and there is a strong demand for engineers with an Indigenous background.

The Engineering Access Program (ENGAP) provides an opportunity for students of Indigenous ancestry, who may not have had access to the resources to obtain the prerequisites required to get into, prepare for, and succeed in engineering.

Application deadline is May 1.

ENGAP Promotional Poster

University of Manitoba - Engineering Access Program Website

First Peoples Development Institute

First Peoples Development Institute is offering free Robotics training from August 20 - 24th for youth participants between the ages 12 - 25. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of their training.

For registration information:

Neeginan College of Applied Technology Programs

Neeginan College of Applied Technology is the Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc's in-house technical and vocational post-secondary training division. CAHRD works closely in partnership with industry, business and training institutions to ensure that our students are prepared for jobs in high-demand industries.

If you are interested in learning more about the college and its programs, register for a tour. Tours start at 9:00 a.m. every Friday (excluding holidays) at 304-181 Higgins Avenue.

Contact Centre for Aboriginal Human Resource Development Inc. (CARHD) to register:

304-181 Higgins Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G1
Telephone: 204-989-7110
Fax: 204-989-7113
CARHD - Neeginan College of Applied Technology Website

July 15, 2024April 17, 2018
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