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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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Literacy and Lifelong Learning

At the Library Newsletter

View the latest At the Library Newsletter

Millennium Library July Exhibit

Jennifer Sanderson

Jennifer Sanderson is a Métis artist with a creative passion that acts as a healing force in her life. While completing her Bachelor of Science degree she used acrylic painting as a way to balance the rigidity of rules and logic with the freedom of creative expression. This colourful abstract exhibit is inspired by nature, light and local Aboriginal artists, but especially the gorgeous skies and the sense of wonder and joy they incite.

NFB Film Club for Kids

Happy 150th Birthday, Canada! Join us for a series of short films from the National Film Board of Canada. For families.

Theme: Indigenous Legends.

WESTWOOD LIBRARY R Tuesday, August 1: 11 am-12 pm
WEST END LIBRARY R Wednesday, August 16: 2-3 pm
CHARLESWOOD LIBRARY R Friday, August 25: 10:30-11:30 am

Mobile Library Service

All are welcome at the Mobile Library Service

    470 Selkirk Avenue
    Tuesdays: 1-4 pm July 11 & 25, August 8 & 22
    312 Blake Street
    Wednesdays: 1:30-4:30 pm July 12 & 26
    Wednesdays: 2:30-4:30 pm August 9 & 23
    99 Euclid Avenue
    Thursdays: 1:30-4:30 pm July 13 & 27
    Thursdays: 2:30-4:30 pm August 10 & 24

lyndaLibrary Online Learning

Winnipeg Public Library has expanded its eLibrary to include lyndaLibrary, a leading online learning resource that helps you learn business, software, creative and technology skills through video tutorials. Thousands of video courses featuring recognized industry experts are provided, for all levels of learner. There is something for everyone, from software training, business skills, and educator tools-to web design, graphic design, audio and video production.

You can access lyndaLibrary anytime, anywhere from computers, smartphones or tablets. Watch entire courses or single tutorial videos as needed, share course playlists, bookmark future courses to watch, and use practice files to follow along with the instructor as you learn.

lyndaLibrary is free to all customers with a valid Winnipeg Public Library membership. Membership in Winnipeg Public Library is free to residents of Winnipeg.

To learn more, or to log in, go to

Aboriginal Reading-in-the-Round

Millennium Library
251 Donald Street Reading in the Round

Looking for a comfy and welcoming space?

Check out the Aboriginal Reading-in-the-Round space at the Millennium Library. This space is great for hanging out with the family and it is also where a collection of Aboriginal Resources materials for children is kept (for Aboriginal Resources for teens at Millennium Library visit the Teen Central space on the first floor).

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak funded the special ceiling-mounted art found in the Aboriginal Reading-in-the-Round, which was designed by First Nations interior designer Destiny Seymour.

Download the hand-out about the Aboriginal Reading-in-the-Round, its history and all about Aboriginal Resources Collections for children.


Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak also provided funding for art by First Nations artists at Millennium Library and St. John's Library.

art2 art1

These painting by artist Ted Oster can be found on the second floor of the Millennium Library.

Learning First Nation, Metis and Inuit languages

Aboriginal language materials

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak provided funds to increase the size of Winnipeg Public Library's First Nation, Metis and Inuit languages collection. These items are found in the Aboriginal Resources Collections. You can find books and audio resources either in or to help learn the following languages: Ojibwe, Cree, Michif, Dakota, Dene and Inuktitut. View this search of our catalogue to see one listing of these items.

The libraries with an Aboriginal Resources Collection are listed below, but you can have items sent to the Library branch closest to you (this is a free service!).

Millennium Library - 251 Donald Street
St. John's Library - 500 Salter Street
West End Library - 999 Sargent Avenue
Sir William Stephenson Library - 765 Keewatin Street
Munroe Library - 489 London Street

Winnipeg Public Library Services to check out

Winnipeg Public Library Youth Advisory Councils

Love Libraries? Full of opinions about how they could be better?
Are you interested in:

Providing input and content for our teen website Booked
Helping to plan and run events at the library
Sharing favourite books and recommending new ones
Providing input on the design and layout of teen spaces in branches
...and much more?

Are you 13-17 years old and love the Library?

Then you should apply to be a member of a Winnipeg Public Library Youth Advisory Council!

For more information, visit the Youth Advisory Council webpage on Booked.

Booked website

Booked Winnipeg Public Library's website just for teens

Want to see what's trending in teen books?
Looking for some great top 10 lists?
Do you make art or write and want to share your work?

WPL has a website just for teens - it's called Booked and it offers all of the above and more! The Library posts news about all its latest teen programs and there are a lot of opportunities to submit your own content.

Services at Winnipeg Public Library:
Serving and Celebrating First Nations, Metis and Inuit Communities in Winnipeg

Services at Winnipeg Public Library

Winnipeg Public Library offers a number of programs and services with First Nation, Metis and Inuit peoples in mind. We are always working on something new: from special programs and events to writing workshops with Indigenous writers to great spaces like the Aboriginal Reading-in-the-Round at the Millennium Library and our Aboriginal Resources Collections (now at 5 Library locations around the city!).

To find out all of what we do, visit the Indigenous Services section of our website. You will find information about all of the above, plus some great online research guides to help with searching for First Nations, Metis or Inuit topics online (tip: this is a great place to start for homework assignments about these topics!).

October 1, 2019
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