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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak
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Recreation & Culture

Explore programs provided by Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak and its partners!

Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc.

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Youth Resource Centre Recreation Program

Are you an Indigenous youth aged 13 to 25?

Are you looking for a place to take part in sports and activities?

Ndinawe Youth Resource Centre (472 Selkirk Avenue) offers Indigenous youth opportunities to learn and participate in organized and casual sport and recreation activities including trips to local amateur or professional sporting events, recreational facilities or even the beach!

Did you know...
Last year, Ndinawe's recreation program logged almost 4,000 youth visits!

Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre

Are you interested in free sport, recreation, and culture programs?
Want to hang out with friends in a safe, fun and welcoming environment?

Visit our programs at the Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre (TINC)! Located at 510 King Street, TINC offers a wide variety of programs for children and youth. Along with our community partners, we plan movie nights, and many sports, arts, crafts, leadership, and traditional Indigenous cultural activities for all ages! The centre is open for children and youth programs weekdays from 3:30 to 9:00pm and Saturdays from 12:00noon to 5:00pm.


Looking for somewhere to skate?

Find skate parks using the mobile friendly, interactive Parks map.

Youth Lounges

Youth lounges are safe hang out places that include things like Nintendo Wii gaming stations and games, big screen televisions and pool tables!

River East/Transcona

East End Cultural Centre (575 Larsen Avenue) youth lounge includes a Nintendo Wii gaming station and games, a big screen TV, sound equipment, movies and a pool table! In addition, the Status 4 program uses on-site music, web and video production equipment.

East End Cultural Centre


Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre (430 Langside Street) has a cultural lounge and a youth lounge with a Nintendo Wii gaming station.

Valour Community Centre - Orioles site (444 Burnell Street) has a youth lounge with a Nintendo Wii gaming station.

River Heights/Fort Garry

Mayfair Recreation Centre (40 Mayfair Avenue) youth lounge has a Nintendo Wii gaming station, flat screen TV and a soccer foosball game.

Westdale Pool (550 Dale Boulevard) has a TV and computer access.

Point Douglas/Inkster/Seven Oaks

Norquay Community Centre (65 Granville Street) youth lounge has a TV, stereo equipment, Nintendo Wii gaming station and ice skates for use at the outdoor rink!

Turtle Island Neighbourhood Centre (510 King Street) has a TV and a DVD player.

Freight House Recreation and Leisure Centre

Door # 1 - 200 Isabel Street

Freight House Fitness Centre is located on the upper level and houses: free weights, speed bag, rowing machine, universal gym, stationary bikes, treadmills, ellipticals, smith machine and resistance training machines.

For more information, including rates and schedules go to Winnipeg Fitness Centres.

North Centennial Recreation and Leisure Facility

90 Sinclair Street

Newly renovated and expanded! Amenities include a 50-metre pool and a fitness room including cardio machines, free weights and resistance training machines. For more information, including rates and schedules, go to North centennial Recreation and Leisure Facility.

Priceless Fun and Leisure Guides

Are you looking for free recreation activities for youth?

Are you looking to register for fit & fun programs?

Check out the youth pages or sections of the Priceless Fun or Leisure Guides!

Financial barriers to taking part in registered programs?

Last update: April 24, 2018
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