Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Stream One
How we work with community partners to provide opportunities for youths
Stream one activities involve building partnerships with community-based organizations in Winnipeg that develop and deliver youth-focused programming related to recreation, employment and employment development. In addition, the strategy provides financial and in-kind supports to continue and sustain these initiatives. Currently, two-thirds of the strategy's funding allocation is provided to nine community partner organizations to support the delivery of their programs.
Highlights from 2009 - 2013
During the first five years multiple outcomes have been achieved under the City of Winnipeg's Indigenous Youth Strategy, Oshki Annishinabe Nigaaniwak (OAN). From 2009 to the end of 2013 the following notable outcomes are a result of working in partnership with nine community based organizations in Winnipeg:
Physical, Culture and Leisure
Over 66,000 youth visits were reported at OAN supported recreation programs in our community since 2009 - this means OAN is improving access to health and wellness activities, and supporting youth to set and achieve goals. Healthy individuals result in healthy families and communities!
Employment and Employment Development
Over 2,100 Indigenous youth have participated in OAN supported, community-based employment and emplyment development programs since 2009 - this means OAN is improving opportunities for Indigenous youth to participate in culturally appropriate training programs that strengthen job readiness and skills development.