Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Other changes

Rename Grandin Street to Taapweewin Way

  • Taapweewin is the word for “truth” in Michif.
  • The Indigenous Knowledge Naming Circle advised the City that an effort needs be made to include each of the seven languages outlined in the Manitoba Aboriginal Languages Recognition Act when naming or renaming places in Winnipeg; as Anishinaabemowin and Ininimowin are represented with the renaming of Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Trail, the Elders thought it appropriate to rename Grandin Street to recognize the ancestral language of the Red River Métis.
  • “Way” is the preferred suffix for this renaming.

Renaming Bishop Grandin Trail to Awasisak Mēskanôw

  • Translated, Awasisak means children in Ininimowin (Cree) and Abinojii means child in Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe). As one Elder shared, this is meant to represent "all of the children, including us residential school survivors". Mēskanôw (Ininimowin) and Mikanah (Anishinaabemowin) both mean road and represent the "journey" that was discussed during the consultation process.
  • This proposal reflects unity between Nations so that, as one Elder explained, “the Ojibwe and Cree are side by side; we’re not apart”. It respects the intention of the name (Abinojiiak Awasisak Oshkii Miikanah Mēskanôw) proposed in September by the larger Circle but in a way that will conform to the Street Names By-law.
  • The Indigenous Relations Division consulted with the Elders of the Indigenous Knowledge Naming Circle on the design of new wayfinding signage for the trail.
  • Bishop Grandin Trail was officially renamed to Awasisak Mēskanôw on March 23, 2023.

Additional Historical Marker – Bishop Grandin Greenway

  • On April 21, 2021 the Executive Policy Committee (EPC) concurred in the recommendation of the Riel Community Committee, that the Winnipeg Public Service be directed to report back with a process for initiating the installation of a second historical marker at the entrance of the Bishop Grandin Greenway on Bishop Grandin Boulevard at River Road, which acknowledges Bishop Grandin’s troubling support of the residential school system in Canada.
  • The Public Service, in consultation with the Welcoming Winnipeg Committee of Community Members (CCM) proposed the following hybrid Welcoming Winnipeg process for the creation of a new historical marker (in the form of permanent interpretive panels):
  • Indigenous Relations will draft the text, with input and guidance from Elders, the CCM and support from the City’s Heritage Officer.
  • The location of the new interpretive panels is to be determined.
  • Indigenous Relations will explore opportunities to further enhance the site as a larger memorial installation, as resources allow. This may include, but is not limited to: benches, a public art piece, an Indigenous medicine garden.

The Indigenous Relations Division is working with the Elders to create new interpretive panels to be installed along Awasisak Mēskanôw.

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