Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Unveiling of Abinojii Mikanah

On June 21, 2024, the Indigenous Relations Division hosted a formal unveiling celebration for the renaming of Bishop Grandin Boulevard to Abinojii Mikanah.

The day was started in a good way, with a smudge and pipe ceremony at sunrise led by Elder Barbara Bruce who facilitated the original renaming consultation process with the Indigenous Knowledge Naming Circle in September of 2021.

The formal agenda of the renaming celebration began with a Grand Entry and remarks were offered from various leaders and dignitaries to celebrate this important milestone in the City of Winnipeg’s Journey of Reconciliation. "It is a step, an important step, for our entire community, our city, our province, our nation, toward reconciliation, acknowledging past injustices and honouring the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities.”- Mayor Scott Gillingham, City of Winnipeg

The renaming celebration also coincided with National Indigenous Peoples Day, a day of celebration where we recognize and honour the achievements, histories, and languages of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in our city and across Canada. The event included performances by the Walking Wolf Singers and Dancers led by Ray “Coco” Stevenson, fiddling and jigging by Luc Wrigley and Inuk throat singing by Lucy Angnakok and Aleatra Sammurtok.

The day concluded with remarks from Elders of the Indigenous Knowledge Naming Circle and a blanket ceremony to complete the circle of this naming journey. The blankets presented to the Elders represent the story which illuminates the name, Abinojii Mikanah – they depict children walking the sacred Red Road, to healing. They show the children in the light of an orange sunset, representing Orange Shirt Day, and the significance of the residential school experience. Finally, they are bordered by the City of Winnipeg colours – reminding us that this is a story which affects all of us.

Elders Frank Beaulieu, Betty Ross, Joan Winning and Byron Beardy (on behalf of the family of Elder Eliza Beardy) shared their insights and wisdom, reflecting on the renaming process and what these new names mean for the community.

“The renaming of Abinojii Mikanah is a tribute to all survivors of the residential school system and the little ancestors who never made it home. A way of honoring the children past and present, from coast to coast.”

- Elder Joan Winning (Sagkeeng First Nation), Indigenous Knowledge Naming Circle

These new names will always keep the children they honour present in our hearts and minds and serve as an important reminder of the need to move beyond colonial attitudes, and keep walking together to a more inclusive future.

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