Committee of Community Members

The City of Winnipeg’s Welcoming Winnipeg Committee of Community Members is responsible for:

  • Reviewing Welcoming Winnipeg requests and providing recommendations for consideration by the Executive Policy Committee (EPC) and then final decision by Council;
  • Hosting delegations/community presentations;
  • Providing input and advice to Indigenous Relations to align existing and newly created processes related to creating new, adding to or removing/renaming historical markers and place names.

Terms of Reference and guiding values and principles

The Terms of Reference and the following Welcoming Winnipeg guiding values and principles will direct the committee members’ decision making. They will consider if requests:

  • Ultimately achieve a balanced perspective/story;
  • Honour Indigenous peoples as the original peoples of this land and the contemporary context in which Indigenous peoples continue to have relationship with this land;
  • Promote Indigenous reclamation of land, space and/or language;
  • Offer an educational opportunity; or,
  • Support telling the complete history of Winnipeg.

Current Committee of Community Members

The eight members of the committee from the community are:

  • Honoure Black
  • Dr. Mary LeMaître
  • Albert McLeod
  • Amanda McLeod
  • Reanna Merasty
  • Dr. Erin Millions
  • Angelina Pelletier
  • Raymond Sokalski

Additionally, Alana Vannahme has been designated as an ex-officio member by the Mayor.

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