District 1 stolen vehicles report

For the period March 21, 2025 to March 28, 2025

Following is a listing of recent stolen vehicles in your community (WPS District 1).

If you know the whereabouts of any vehicle listed here, contact the police as soon as possible at the phone numbers below.

If the vehicle is being driven, Call 911. Do not attempt to stop the vehicle or have any contact with the person(s) inside it.

If the vehicle is parked or you have any information to share regarding any of these stolen vehicles, please call the Winnipeg Police Service at 204-986-6222 or CrimeStoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

If the vehicle is parked or you have any information to share regarding any of these stolen vehicles, please call the Winnipeg Police Service at 204-986-6222 or CrimeStoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

Please provide the following information to the police:

  • License Plate Number
  • Description of the vehicle
  • Description of suspects (if applicable)
  • Location
Date Theft Location Vehicle Type License Plate Prov
2025/3/21 First block of FORKS MARKET RD Blue 2015 CADILLAC ATS TURBO KJE963 Manitoba
2025/3/25 300 block of YORK AV Black 2022 DODGE RAM 1500 SPORT CREW CAB KZA705 Manitoba
2025/3/23 400 block of SARGENT AV Grey 2011 TOYOTA RAV4 LDE214 Manitoba
2025/3/24 BALMORAL ST/ELLICE AV 2011 KIA SOUL 2U P203412 Manitoba
2025/3/24 500 block of ELLICE AV Black 2009 HYUNDAI SONATA GL LTD658 Manitoba
2025/3/24 500 block of BANNING ST Black 2012 MERCEDES BENZ C250 4MATIC KVU741 Manitoba
2025/3/25 100 block of HOME ST Green 2024 SUBARU ASCENT PREMIER KRL687 Manitoba
2025/3/24 200 block of YOUNG ST Black 2015 TOYOTA RAV4 LE KUT159 Manitoba
2025/3/25 400 block of HENRY AV Red 2010 HYUNDAI GENESIS Manitoba
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All of the statistics presented on this website are based on the police occurrence type gathered from the records management system (RMS) used by the Winnipeg Police Service. They are considered preliminary crime data and do not represent official statistics submitted to the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. Any comparison between statistics provided on this website with any other publication providing Winnipeg Police Service crime statistics is not recommended. Please note that in some instances a stolen vehicle may have already been recovered but has not yet been removed from this list due to time delays.

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