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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


Winnipeg Police Service
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Statistics > Intersection Safety Camera Offences

July 1 - September 30, 2022


WPS District Map

District 1

July 1 - September 30, 2022

2022 - Year to Date

Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offence
Notices Issued
Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offences
Northbound Sherbrook St. @ Broadway -  50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Northbound Isabel St. @ William Ave. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Westbound Notre Dame Ave. @ Sherbrook St. - 60 km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Southbound Donald St. @ Broadway Ave. - 50km/h
21 193 214 59 518 577
Northbound Disraeli Fwy @ Lily St. - 60km/h
106 368 474 271 667 938
Northbound Main St. @ Logan Ave. - 50km/h
61 958 1019 253 2087 2340
Eastbound York Ave. @ Fort St. - 50km/h
57 130 187 301 299 600
Northbound Balmoral St. @ Sargent Ave. - 50km/h
78 217 295 227 393 620

District 2

July 1 - September 30, 2022

2022 - Year to Date

Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offence
Notices Issued
Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offences
Northbound Moray @ Lodge - 50km/h
13 192 205 35 537 572
Eastbound Portage Ave. @ Cavalier Drive - 60km/h
16 155 171 68 371 439
Northbound Century St. @ Silver Ave. - 70km/h
57 65 122 321 124 445
Westbound Ness Ave. @ Whytewold Rd. - 60km/h
2 2 4 2 2 4
Westbound Ellice Ave. @ St. James St. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Westbound Portage Ave. @ Mount Royal Rd. - 60km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Eastbound Portage Ave. @ Dominion St. - 60km/h
67 184 251 373 444 817
Southbound St. James St. @ Ness Ave. - 60km/h
44 46 90 123 79 202
Eastbound Sargent Ave. @ Clifton St. - 50km/h
50 80 130 103 122 225
Southbound Erin St. @ Sargent Ave. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Westbound Academy Rd. @ Oak St. - 50km/h
99 198 297 192 335 527
Westbound Jubilee Ave. @ Cockburn St. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Northbound Pembina Hwy. @ Bairdmore Blvd./Dalhousie Dr. (N. Leg) - 60km/h
150 455 605 396 972 1368
Southbound Kenaston Blvd. @ Corydon Ave. - 50km/h
47 883 930 149 1875 2024
Westbound Grant Ave. @ Wilton St - 50 km/h
18 448 466 111 789 900
Northbound Pembina Hwy. @ Grant Ave. - 60km/h
195 252 447 745 458 1203
Eastbound Grant Ave. @ William R. Clement Parkway - 60km/h
47 82 129 247 149 396
Southbound Pembina Hwy. @ Chevrier Blvd. - 60km/h
0 0 0 354 108 462
Eastbound Academy Rd. @ Stafford St. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0

District 3

July 1 - September 30, 2022

2022 - Year to Date

Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offence
Notices Issued
Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offences
Westbound Inkster Blvd. @ Airlies St. - 50km/h
0 0 0 82 35 117
Southbound Salter St. @ Mountain Ave. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Westbound Leila Ave. @ Sinclair St. - 60km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Southbound McPhillips St. @ Redwood Ave. - 60km/h
94 91 185 296 157 453
Northbound Keewatin St. @ Selkirk Ave. - 60km/h
158 46 204 158 46 204
Northbound Main St. @ Inkster Blvd. - 60km/h
35 40 75 287 103 390
Southbound Main St. @ Redwood Ave. - 60km/h
0 0 0 365 72 437
Southbound McPhillips St. @ Jefferson Ave. - 60km/h
49 94 143 144 174 318

District 4

July 1 - September 30, 2022

2022 - Year to Date

Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offence
Notices Issued
Red Light Offences Speeding Offences Total Offences
Eastbound Talbot Ave. @ Watt St. - 50km/h
79 17 96 146 36 182
Eastbound Hespeler Ave. @ Beatrice St. - 50km/h
23 411 434 120 884 1004
Southbound Henderson Hwy. @ Kimberly Ave. - 60km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Westbound Regent Ave. @ Owen St. - 60km/h
101 829 930 354 1719 2073
Southbound Panet Rd. @ Munroe Ave - 50km/h
44 372 416 119 712 831
Eastbound Regent Ave. West @ Madeline St. - 50km/h
67 255 322 171 441 612
Northbound Henderson Hwy. @ Gilmore Ave. - 60km/h
41 78 119 124 178 302
Southbound Lagimodiere Blvd. @ Grassie Blvd. - 80km/h
75 143 218 320 255 575
Eastbound Marion St. @ Dufresne Ave. - 60km/h
52 1599 1651 290 4322 4612
Eastbound Provencher Blvd. @ Aulneau St. - 50km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Northbound St. Mary's Rd. @ Warde Ave. - 60km/h
37 235 272 153 545 698
Southbound Archibald @ Elizabeth Rd. - 60km/h
0 0 0 0 0 0
Northbound St. Anne's Rd @ Meadowood Dr. - 60km/h
44 31 75 188 112 300
Northbound Dunkirk Dr. @ St. Vital Rd. - 60km/h
3 7 10 3 7 10
Westbound Bishop Grandin Blvd. @ River Rd. - 80km/h
78 364 442 385 761 1146
Westbound Fermor Ave. @ St. Mary's Rd. - 60km/h
5 1 6 9 1 10

CALEA Logo Click to visit the CALEA website.
"An Internationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency"
Last update: October 21, 2022

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