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Planning, Property & Development

Street Naming

The City of Winnipeg offers three street naming options. You may submit a request under one of the following categories:

  1. New Street Name for the Reserve List
  2. Rename an Existing Street
  3. Assigning an Honourary Street Name

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New Street Name Reserve List

A request can be made to add a new street name to the New Street Name Reserve List. The list is sorted by Community Committee Area. This requires an application fee and a letter of intent outlining the rationale for the suggested name. The letter of intent should be sent to:

The City of Winnipeg
Planning, Property & Development
Development and Inspections Division
Land Development Branch
Main Floor
65 Garry St
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4K4

Guidelines for naming streets are contained in Appendix A of the By-law. The new street name must be approved by the appropriate Community Committee.

Once names are placed on the Street Name Reserve List (SNRL), they are available to be used by developers who are applying for new subdivisions, including new streets. However, developers are also permitted to submit plans of development with new, recently approved street names that they have submitted to SNRL for the purpose of incorporating into their development. As a result, only a limited number of names are drawn from the reserve list in any given year. There is no guarantee that approved names that have been submitted by the general public will be selected for use as a new street name.

Rename an Existing Street

An existing street may be renamed where it can be demonstrated the name is warranted and has support from some or all of the owners and occupants of property on the street to be renamed. This requires the submission of a formal letter outlining the rationale for the suggested name change along with the applicable fee. Guidelines for renaming streets are contained in Appendix A of the By-law. The new name must be approved by the appropriate Community or Standing Committee.

Assigning an Honourary Street Name

An Honourary Name may be assigned to a street or a portion of a street. This requires an application fee and completed application outlining the rationale for the suggested honourary name. Guidelines for honourary names are contained in Appendix A of the By-law. The honourary name must be approved by the appropriate Community or Standing Committee.

Guidelines for the Naming, Renaming and Honourary Naming of Streets

The following are the guidelines that establish the criteria for choosing street names, honourary street names or the renaming of a street.

Street names and honourary street names should meet at least one of the following goals:

  1. to honour and commemorate noteworthy people associated with the City of Winnipeg;
  2. to commemorate local history, organizations, place , events or culture;
  3. to strengthen neighbourhood identity and community commitment;
  4. to recognize native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community and the City of Winnipeg;
  5. to recognize a community that contributes to the ethno-racial diversity of Winnipeg.
Naming Streets after People

The following are the preferred categories of individuals to be honored by having a street named, renamed or honorarily named after them:

  1. a person who demonstrates excellence, courage or exceptional dedication to service in ways that bring special credit to the City of Winnipeg;
  2. a person who volunteers and gives extraordinary help or care to individuals, families or groups, or supports community services or humanitarian causes;
  3. a person who fosters equality and reduces discrimination
  4. a person who risks her or her life to save or protect others;
  5. a person who has achieved a noteworthy accomplishment or has otherwise acted in an outstanding professional manner or met an uncommonly high standard that brings great benefit or honour to the City of Winnipeg
  6. an early pioneer or group or settlers who have contributed to the development of the City;
  7. individuals who reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the City;
  8. individuals who have made significant contributions to their field of endeavour, including the arts, entertainment, business, profession, athletics, public service, etc.;
  9. Former Mayors, City Councillors or other political representatives from Winnipeg.

A person whose name is being considered for a street name should be someone who represents a positive image for the City.

The names of people who are closely connected to Winnipeg should be preferred for street names over people who have achieved national or international status, but are not closely connected to Winnipeg.

Before naming or renaming a street after a person, the person's consent should be obtained. If the person is deceased, the views of close family members or other individuals or groups representing the person's legacy should be taken into account.

A person's full name should be used as an official street name only if additional identification is necessary to prevent duplication with another street name.

Per subsection (5), a person's nickname or title may be used in an official street name if it provides a more appropriate, interesting or enduring street name.

Whole Street Should be Renamed

Where a street is to be named or renamed, the whole length of the street should be given the same name wherever possible.

Length of Name

Street names should not generally exceed 20 characters in length, including spaces between words, but not including cardinal direction letters and abbreviations for street types.

No Renaming a Street for 10 years

After a street has been named or renamed, its new name should not be changed for a period of at least 10 years.

Street Renaming Discouraged

In general, it is preferable to name to a new street rather than renaming an existing street. Renaming existing streets is discouraged for the following reasons:

  1. The confusion that street renaming creates for emergency and other municipal services, commercial delivery services, and the general public;
  2. The cost incurred for the following:
    1. Compensation to residents and businesses for out-of-pocket expenses necessitated by the street name change;
    2. Replacement of street and traffic signs;
    3. Amending related By-laws;
  3. Inconvenience to residents and businesses;
  4. The loss of history associated with the existing street name:
    1. To the extent that the original name was intended to commemorate an individual or historical event; and
    2. The individual histories and/or historical events that have taken place in relation to the street as it was originally named.

Accordingly, if it is considered important to rename a street, streets that will minimize these factors should be chosen over streets in which these factors are prominent.

Street Naming Fees are listed in the Planning, Development and Building Fees and Charges document.

More Information
For more information on Street Names, please contact the Land Development Branch at 204-986-7394 or contact 311

Learn more about the Street Names By-law: Street Names By-law 115/2011

Last update: August 14, 2024

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