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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Planning, Property & Development

Urban Beekeeping Regulations

On October 25, 2017 City Council adopted changes to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law to allow beekeeping as an accessory use in all zoning districts. Please see the City's Beekeeping web page for more information.

Project Timeline




After adopting by-law changes to allow beekeeping in the downtown, the City is now turning its attention to areas beyond the downtown. Urban beekeeping is a growing trend across Canada and internationally for the following reasons:

  • Biodiversity – bees are part of a balanced ecosystem;
  • Bee population – bee numbers have been declining in recent years;
  • Interest and education – beekeeping provides opportunities to learn about science and nature through beekeeping, fostering environmental stewardship;
  • Local food production – one bee hive can produce 100 pounds of honey in a year and is part of the small business economy;
  • Pollination – one third of food crops require pollination, and bees are responsible for the majority of pollination.

OurWinnipeg, the City's official development plan, includes policies that support opportunities for local food production (Section 03-2).



Document Name Date Type
Consultation display boards May 31, 2016 Display Boards



Three pop-up events were held:

  • June 15, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
    Kildonan Place Shopping Centre
    1555 Regent Avenue West

  • June 16, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
    Grant Park Shopping Centre
    1120 Grant Avenue

  • June 18, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
    The Forks Market
    1 Forks Market Road

View the storyboards


Frequently Asked Questions

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Should we be concerned about bees becoming a nuisance?

Honey bees are very docile, and are only interested in flowers. They don’t congregate in one neighbourhood, but instead travel up to five kilometers in a day, seeking pollen. Unlike wasps, they are not attracted to food and drinks and avoid human contact.

Date added: May 27, 2016

What if I have allergies?

The City only regulates hives for one type of bee – the European Honey Bee. There are several species of bees that are native to Manitoba and live throughout our city, including bumble bees, mason bees, leafcutter bees. Since allergies can be quite serious, those with severe allergies must be proactive when spending time outdoors. Allergies to wasp stings are far more prevalent than allergies to bee stings.

Date added: May 27, 2016

Is swarming a risk?

Swarms are a natural occurrence that can happen when the bee population within a hive grows beyond capacity. Bees in a swarm may be discovered resting on a tree or other structure. Swarms are not aggressive and can easily be gathered and rehoused by notifying the provincial apiarist. Generally, through proper hive management, the beekeeper can reduce the likelihood of swarms.

Date added: May 27, 2016

What about mosquito fogging?

Bees do not forage at night, when mosquito fogging occurs. To help protect hives, the City will establish a 90 metre buffer zone around a registered beekeeping operation.

Date added: May 27, 2016


Last update: November 20, 2019

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