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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Planning, Property & Development

Canoe Club Golf Course Reimagining

The City of Winnipeg (the City) owns the 48-acre Winnipeg Canoe Club Golf Course and leases out operations and maintenance of the course for five-year terms. In 2017, the City asked for Winnipeggers to provide feedback on how they currently use the space, if they support the continuation of a golf course, or desire a mixed-use recreational space that includes additional services

Update July 2018 – An extension of the lease for the Canoe Club Golf Course is proposed and will be reviewed by Riel Community Committee on Monday, July 16, 2018. The proposed extension of the lease is for 46 acres (current lease is for 48 acres) to accommodate the proposed grass soccer field adjacent to the existing Bonivital Soccer Club in St. Vital Memorial Park. The approval of the funding to reconfigure the course and construct the soccer field will be decided by Council as part of the 2019 budget process.


The Canoe Club Golf Course was initially part of the former Winnipeg Canoe Club, which began as a men’s paddling club and grew to become a hub for sport, recreation, and social activities. After decades of growth, the Winnipeg Canoe Club experienced financial difficulties in the 1980s. Multiple attempts to re-develop and revitalize the site were not enough to save it. The Winnipeg Canoe Club was forced to close its doors in 2001; however, the golf course remained open.

These and other changes to the land and buildings demonstrate efforts to optimize the use of this property in accordance with community needs and strategic planning.

Historical Timeline

1893 Winnipeg Canoe Club is established as a private members club founded by Winnipeg businessmen on the bank of the Red River near the Norwood Bridge.
1910 Club relocates to Jubilee Avenue due to construction. Shortly thereafter, Canadian National Railway takes over Club site.
1913 Club is re-established at present site on the bank of the Red River on Dunkirk Drive, St. Vital. It is incorporated the following year.
1918 Nine-hole golf course is built. Tennis courts are added the following year.
1925 Ladies’ aquatic sports, sailing, and power boating are added to club activities.

Plan of the Winnipeg Canoe Club Golf Course, Tennis Courts and Clubhouse – March 25, 1932
Plan of the Winnipeg Canoe Club Golf Course, Tennis Courts and Clubhouse – March 25, 1932

1951 Diking starts along the golf course and properties fronting the Red River in the aftermath of the 1950 flood.
1954 Fire burns down the clubhouse. New clubhouse opens the following year.
1965 St. Vital Bridge is completed. Golf course is subsequently re-designed.
1966 Measures taken to fence parts of the golf course adjacent to new roadway.
1971 Club acquires the indoor courts of the Winnipeg Badminton Club and adds badminton, squash, and handball to club activities.

Photograph of regatta at the Winnipeg Canoe Club, circa 1975
Photograph of regatta at the Winnipeg Canoe Club, circa 1975

1991 City approves a subdivision application to develop a condominium project at the site to provide an opportunity for the club to generate revenue.
1994 Club lands and buildings acquired by the City pursuant to tax sale proceedings.
1995 City enters into a Management Agreement with the Germanic Cultural Centre of Manitoba Inc. for operation of the club, which is renamed the Treffpunkt Winnipeg Canoe Club. Golf, swimming, tennis, and other club activities continue, and the new management team starts to use club for more banquets, entertainment, and cultural activities.

Former clubhouse, taken during the1997 flood
Former clubhouse, taken during the1997 flood

2001  Concerns about unsuccessful revitalization attempts and economic viability of the club and golf course prompt closing of the club. Golf course continues to operate under new management.
2002 Friends of the Winnipeg Canoe Club lobby the City to establish a multi-sport complex for members of the public on the site.
2005 City amends Plan Winnipeg by re-designating lands to permit construction of a seniors residence on the site.
2006 Clubhouse, indoor courts and tennis courts are demolished.



Phase Two
Thank you to the over 140 people who attended the public information session on November 29, 2017 at Glenlawn Collegiate. A total of 24 surveys were collected.

Phase One
An online survey was available on this site from June - August 2017. A total of 1,414 online submissions were received, plus an additional 38 paper copies submitted during a neighbourhood meeting.  A public engagement summary of Phase 1 is now available.

If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for our public engagement newsletter.

Project Timeline






Last update: July 10, 2018

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