Parcel 4 Archeological & Environmental Investigations
The City of Winnipeg (City) is committed to working in partnership with the Forks Renewal Corporation and the Province of Manitoba's Historic Resources Branch to develop Parcel 4 at The Forks. Prior to development, careful and thoughtful archeological and environmental investigations are being undertaken on the site to manage and protect heritage resources and inform the portion of Parcel 4 to be transferred to the Forks Renewal Corporation.
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- Advisory Committee
September 18, 2019:
The archeological team opened up an additional 19 trenches between September 9, 2019 and September 17, 2019.
The project is on schedule and this now concludes this phase of site work.
The barricades have been removed and the parking lot has been restored to its original condition, including filling of all trenches that were produced on-site and placement of granular material on the surface.
Additional information on potential discoveries and / or recovered artifacts may be disclosed upon conclusion of the archeological investigation and delivery of the final report.
September 10, 2019:
The archeological team began fieldwork on September 3, 2019 and opened 19 trenches between this date and September 8, 2019.
Two of the 19 trenches above were abandoned upon opening due to concrete and metal debris which prohibited further excavation.
Eight trenches on the north end of the site along William Stephenson Way have been abandoned due to the close proximity to gas line infrastructure.
Additional information on potential discoveries and/or recovered artifacts may be disclosed upon conclusion of the archeological investigation and delivery of the final report.
September 2019:
The contract for archeological investigation of Parcel 4 was awarded and work on the site has now begun. The City is working with stakeholders and the Forks Renewal Corporation’s advisory committee to advise on archeological findings and next steps throughout the investigation.
Archeological Investigation
There is known activity dating back more than 6,000 years in the area. To manage and protect heritage resources, a thorough archeological investigation is required.
An archeological investigation is when archeologists dig in an area to find out more about the history and what may have happened on that site.
The archeological team will be taking samples from the earth in Parcel 4 and study them to determine if there are any artifacts or other information that may tell us about the site. The archeological team will catalogue discovered artifacts.
The archeological team will also report on its findings and submit to the City once their work is complete.
Environmental Investigation
The environmental investigation will include water and soil testing. The environmental investigation is being managed by The Forks Renewal Corporation.
There are two parcels of land at The Forks that are currently used as parking. One parcel is owned by the Forks Renewal Corporation (Railside I), and the other by the City of Winnipeg (Railside I or Parcel 4).
In 2012, Council asked the Forks Renewal Corporation to develop a plan for the redevelopment of two parcels of land located at The Forks. In 2014, Council declared Parcel 4 surplus to the City’s needs and in 2016, Council directed the Public Service to sell Parcel 4 to the Forks Renewal Corporation at fair market value.
The Forks Renewal Corporation undertook a three-year public consultation process for the development of the Railside at the Forks Concept Plan. The plan was approved as Council Policy on December 13, 2017. The policy includes a development plan for both parcels.
The Forks Renewal Corporation advised the City that they are in a position to commence phased construction in 2019.
The City currently operates a surface parking lot on Parcel 4. Both the short and long-term development of the railside parcels are subject to Council approval, as does the phased sale of Parcel 4. The sequential phased sale and proposed process for Parcel 4 to the Forks Renewal Corporation would fulfill Council-approved policy for the railside development at The Forks.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is known activity dating back more than 6,000 years in the area. To manage and protect heritage resources, a thorough archeological investigation is required. The results of the investigation will inform the portion of Parcel 4 to be transferred to the Forks Renewal Corporation.
Date added: September 4, 2019
Council approved the sale of the City-owned property at fair market value in favour of The Forks Renewal Corporation on July 13, 2016. Council approved of sequential phased sale of the property in July 2019.
Date added: September 4, 2019
Results of careful and thoughtful archeological and environmental investigation will inform the portion of Parcel 4 to be transferred to the Forks Renewal Corporation in 2019. The City is committed to working in partnership with the Forks Renewal Corporation, stakeholders, and the Province of Manitoba’s Historic Resources Branch throughout this process.
Date added: September 4, 2019
Yes. The City is one of three shareholders of the Forks Renewal Corporation, along with the Government of Canada and the Province of Manitoba.
Date added: September 4, 2019
The City of Winnipeg will continue to operate surface parking on the portion of property not subject to the sale at this time.
Date added: September 4, 2019
Related Links
Council decision July 18, 2019 -
Railside at The Forks -
RAdvisory Committee
The Parcel 4 Advisory Committee was formed by the Forks Renewal Corporation. The committee is intended to provide community insight and advice to the City prior to, throughout, and following the archeological investigations of the Parcel 4 land.