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Planning, Property & Development

Victoria Jason Park - Skate Park Renewal

Update April 2019 - Mayor Brian Bowman and Councillor Shawn Nason, Transcona Ward, announced on April 23, 2019 that the City of Winnipeg had completed a major renewal of the skate park at Victoria Jason Park, located at 255 Redonda St.

The renewal project included construction of a new poured-in-place skate park, new bollard fencing around the parking area, and an expanded parking area at Victoria Jason Park. The total budget for the Victoria Jason Park renewal was $460,000 with funding provided from the 2018 Parks and Recreation Enhancement Program and Land Development Reserve Funding.

Victoria Jason Park is located adjacent to Murdoch MacKay Collegiate and also features soccer fields, baseball diamonds, a play structure, large tobogganing hill, and walking paths. The skate park components were originally added to the park in 2004.


Phase 1
Thank you to everyone who joined us on the park site October 28, 2017. About 14 people attended our public workshop. An online survey was available on this site until October 14, 2017 with a total of 90 completed surveys.

A public engagement summary is now available in the documents section of this project page.

Phase 2
The project team developed two concepts after the first phase of engagement and sought public feedback through an online survey during the month of January 2018. A total of 23 surveys were collected.

The concept designs for the skate park are based on the feedback from users both in-person and online. The response to the initial prioritization of skate park components clearly identified the desire for a new skate park that:

  • Has great flow,
  • Doesn’t use the existing pre-cast skate park features,
  • Uses cast in place concrete for both obstacles and flatwork,
  • Provides additional "nice to have" elements as they fit the space and budget.

Based on user feedback through public engagement, base priorities for the park include a:

  • Mini ramp (and/or mini bowl)
  • Quarter pipe
  • "Taco" / unique transition element
  • "Beginner" level, but unique ledge/manual pad
  • Euro Gap
  • Kicker over obstacle/gap/table

Secondary priorities, or "nice to have" elements include a/an:

  • Hip
  • Wallride / Channel
  • Bank to Ledge
  • Table Top with Ledge
  • Pole Jam
  • A-frame Ledge
  • Hubba Ledge
  • Handrail and Stairs ("beginner" level)

We want to ensure that we’re building a skate park that strikes the best balance between meeting the needs of park users and optimizing the overall project budget. The preferred option will be used as the basis of design to go through a design/build process.

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Project Timeline




Formerly known as Crocus Park, Victoria Jason Park was renamed in 2004 in honour of Transcona resident Victoria Jason, who was the first woman to kayak the Northwest Passage. The park is located in the Transcona neighbourhood across the street from two high schools – Murdoch MacKay Collegiate and Collège Pierre-Elliot Trudeau.

The skate park was built in 2004, with pre-fabricated concrete skateboard elements. In 2006, the skateboard park was expanded, adding some new modular steel skateboard elements to the site. The skate park renewal is a related project from the Transcona Parks project that involved public input through two open houses. The skate park was identified by residents as needing significant improvements. The once state-of-the-art facility now shows signs of aging and damage from vandalism. Changes in skate park design and modern best practices in construction have left the current skate park in need of updating.

The design and construction of this project is budgeted for $400,000. Funding for construction is subject to approval.


Document Name Date Type
New release April 2019 News release
3D construction rendering July 2018 Images
Public engagement summary January 2018 Report
Skatepark concepts one and two January 2018 Images
New release October 2017 News release



Victoria Jason Park Map



Last update: April 29, 2019

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