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Planning, Property & Development

Waverley West 'B' Secondary Planning Process

Update May 2019 - The draft Waverley West 'B' secondary plan has received first reading by Council, and a public hearing is scheduled for May 14, 2019. Please see the 'Engage' tab for further details.

The City of Winnipeg (the City) is undertaking a process to develop a secondary plan by-law for the area known as Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' (see Maps tab). Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' is one of seven neighbourhoods in the Waverley West area of southwest Winnipeg and is bound by Kenaston Boulevard, the Bison Drive extension, Waverley Street and the north limit of South Pointe.

A secondary plan by-law is a land use by-law adopted by City Council (Council), which provides policy direction on how land is to be developed within a clearly defined planning area. A secondary plan by-law does not require landowners within the Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' planning area to actively undertake development. However, once adopted by Council, all future proposed development applications will be required to conform to the vision, objectives and policies provided in the secondary plan by-law.

The Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' Secondary Plan will ensure that growth and development occurs in a logical, integrated, and fair manner.

Project Timeline




Development in Waverley West is guided by a secondary plan by-law known as the Waverley West Area Structure Plan (By-law No. 10/2006). The Waverley West Area Structure Plan ensures the logical growth and development in Waverley West by requiring that a secondary plan by-law be adopted for each of the seven individual neighbourhood planning areas in advance of development. These seven neighbourhoods are:

  • Bridgewater Forest
  • Bridgwater Lakes
  • Bridgwater Trails
  • Bridgwater Centre
  • South Pointe
  • South Pointe West
  • Waverley West 'B'

Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' is the only remaining neighbourhood in Waverley West without an adopted secondary plan by-law.
In accordance with the direction provided by The Waverley West Area Structure Plan, the Waverley West Neighbourhood "B" secondary plan will:

  • Provide a vision and planning principles
  • Include residential land use policies
  • Include recreational, commercial, office, and institutional land use policies as required
  • Accommodate the possible future construction of a major community leisure/recreation centre
  • Identify and plan for environmental assets as feasible
  • Provide general routing and alignment of water distribution, wastewater collection, and land drainage systems
  • Provide an overview of conceptual phasing.
  • Address infrastructure cost sharing

The City hired private consulting firm WSP to assist with all aspects of the development of a secondary plan by-law for Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B'.


Update May 2019 - The draft Waverley West 'B' secondary plan has received first reading by Council, and a public hearing is scheduled for May 14, 2019.

If you would like to provide your feedback on the draft Waverley West 'B' secondary plan, please plan to attend the public hearing, as these engagement opportunities are a legislated part of the by-law creation process. Notification of the public hearing will be sent once the date is confirmed, with as much notice as possible.

Thank you to all who attended the Waverley West 'B' public open house on Wednesday, September 26. Approximately 146 people attended the public open house and 13 exit surveys were collected. A summary of what we heard is now available on the 'Documents' tab. After this event, the project team refined the details of the secondary plan based on feedback received, internal review, and new information.

Following the public open house, the Pembina Trails School Division entered into a land exchange arrangement with another landowner. This land exchange will allow for future schools to be more centrally located within the neighbourhood. The draft land use concept shown at the public open house event on September 26, 2018 has since been modified to accommodate the new central location of the school land. The revised draft land use concept is available on the 'Maps' tab. Land acquired by the City for recreation purposes remains in the same location, and is adjacent to the school site.

As part of the decision-making process there will be opportunities for members of the public to appear as a delegation before committees or Council or register to speak at the public hearing. Notification of the public hearing will be provided to those on the project email list with as much notice as possible.

On April 25, approximately 200 people attended a public open house and 60 exit surveys were collected. A summary of the input collected at the open house is available on the 'Documents' tab.

On January 11 and 16, 2018, landowners and stakeholders shared their ideas through roundtable workshops. Sixty-three (63) attended the workshop on January 11 (representing 30 of the 55 landowners), and 10 attended the workshop on January 16. To read a summary of their feedback, please visit the 'Documents' tab.

For more information about the project, please contact the Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' project team at:

Phone: 204-986-2636

If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up for the City of Winnipeg public engagement newsletter.


Document Name Date Type
Public Engagement Report - Open House #2 2019-01-14 Report
Waverley West B Secondary Plan Draft 2018-12-03 Draft Plan
News Release - Open House #2 2018-09-06 News Release
Storyboards - Open House #2 2018-09-06 Storyboards
Postcard - Open House #2 2018-09-06 Postcard
Newspaper Ad - Open House #2 2018-09-06 Advertisement
Report - Open House #1 2018-09-06 Report
Worksheet - Open House #1 2018-04-25 Worksheet
News Release - Open House #1 2018-04-11 News Release
Storyboards - Open House #1 2018-04-11 Storyboards
Postcard - Open House #1 2018-04-11 Postcard
Newspaper Ad - Open House #1 2018-04-11 Advertisement
Waverley West Area Structure Plan By-Law 10/2006 2006-07-26 Secondary plan outlining all seven neighbourhoods in Waverley West area
Landowner and Stakeholder workshop summary 2018-01-11 Summary of workshops and all workshop notes

Frequently Asked Questions

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General Planning and Land Use Questions

What is a secondary plan?

A secondary plan is a by-law adopted by City Council, which provides policy direction on how land is to be developed and used in a clearly defined planning area. Once adopted, a secondary plan by-law provides guidance for making decisions on land use development applications within the planning area. For more information on secondary plan by-laws, see:

Date added: April, 2018

Are there any differences between the terms 'secondary plan', 'area structure plan', and 'neighbourhood area structure plan'?

The term 'neighbourhood area structure plan' is used interchangeably with 'area structure plan'. An 'area structure plan' is a type of 'secondary plan by-law' which specifically deals with how a new neighbourhood area will be developed, or 'structured'. An area structure plan is adopted by Council as a secondary plan by-Law.

Date added: April, 2018

Why does Waverley West 'B' need an area structure plan (secondary plan)?

The development of the area referred to as Waverley West 'B' is guided by a secondary plan by-law adopted by Council in July, 2006: the Waverley West Area Structure Plan (By-law No. 10/2006).

The Waverley West Area Structure Plan identifies seven neighbourhood planning areas (see the 'Maps' tab), each requiring that a separate secondary plan by-law be adopted by Council in advance of development occurring in each respective neighbourhood (as per Waverley West Area Structure Plan, Section 13). See the 'Maps' tab for more information.

Date added: April, 2018

Do the other neighbourhoods in Waverley West already have their own area structure plans?

Yes. Council has adopted an area structure plan (as a secondary plan by-law) for all of the seven Waverley West Neighbourhood Areas, except Waverley West 'B'.

Date added: April, 2018

What is the difference between the Waverley West Area Structure Plan and the seven neighbourhood area structure plans it refers to?

The Waverley West Area Structure Plan has high-level policies dealing with regional servicing and transportation system issues. The neighbourhood area structure plans cover much smaller neighbourhood areas within Waverley West and provide more specific detail related to local conditions, needs and development priorities.

In accordance with Section 13 of the Waverley West Area Structure Plan, development in any of the Waverley West neighbourhood areas may not occur until a neighbourhood area structure plan for that neighbourhood has been adopted by Council as a secondary plan by-law.

Date added: April, 2018

What is the difference between a secondary plan by-law and a zoning by-law?

A secondary plan is a by-law adopted by Council which provides land use policies directing how an area of the city will be developed in the future. In accordance with The City of Winnipeg Charter Act, all development applications related to land within the planning area must conform to the policies of any adopted secondary plan by-law.

Where a secondary plan provides Council's intent respecting future development, a zoning by-law provides an essential mechanism for implementing the policies set out in the secondary plan. A zoning by-law contains specific regulations for the use and development of land for every parcel of land within a city. A zoning by-law must:

  • Divide the City into zones;
  • Prescribe the permitted and conditional uses of land and buildings in each zone;
  • Prescribe the general development standards that will be applicable in each zone (ex. minimum lot size, maximum building height, etc); and,
  • Establish a system of development permits and the procedures for the local approval of development.

Date added: April, 2018

Project Details

Who is the project lead?

This project was initiated and is led by the City of Winnipeg. The City hired private consulting firm WSP to assist with the project.

Date added: April, 2018

Has a developer approached the City to request a secondary plan be created for Waverley West 'B'?

No. The request to undertake this project originated from a motion made at the Riel Community Committee.

Date added: April, 2018

Does this planning exercise have anything to do with the South Winnipeg Recreation Centre?

The purpose of the planning exercise is to determine the future land use pattern of Waverley West 'B' and establish rules for the future orderly development of the planning area. The area structure plan is expected to include policies which will enable for the development of a recreation complex.

Date added: April, 2018

Was the planning department directed to undertake the development of a secondary plan to allow for a school/rec centre to be built in Waverley West 'B'?

Yes. The Riel Community Committee motion from which this project originated recognizes that proposals for any development, including a regional community recreation centre, cannot be approved in Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' without an adopted secondary plan.

Date added: April, 2018

When will the South Winnipeg Recreation Centre and the high school for Waverley West be built?

Development of a recreation centre and/or high school is outside the scope of this secondary plan project.

As mentioned in question 3, the existing Waverley West Area Structure Plan (By-law No. 10/2006) requires that a secondary plan for the Waverley West 'B' neighbourhood be adopted by Council before any development occurs; this includes schools and rec centres.

Date added: April, 2018

How will the plan influence what gets built?

The secondary plan will include the general alignment of collector roads and general arrangement of land uses (e.g. - single family residential, multi-family, commercial, etc). After the seconday plan is adopted by Council, individual landowners/developers interested in developing their property will submit development applications to the City which will include specific details of their proposed development (e.g. - proposed use, new individual lots, local road alignments, etc). All development applications will be required to conform with the design and policies of the secondary plan in order to be accepted.

Date added: April, 2018

Will the existing roads be incorporated into the plan?

There is no requirement for existing roads to be incorporated into the Plan. The City will be working with landowners and traffic engineers to prepare road alignment options which best accommodate the future development intentions of existing landowners. It is expected that some road alignments will remain unchanged.

Date added: April, 2018

Will Bison Drive be extended? Is there an alignment determined?

It is expected that Bison Drive will be extended along the existing right-of-way between Kenaston Boulevard to Waverley Street (as shown on the following map, as well as maps in the Waverley West Area Structure Plan, By-Law 10/2006). Land has already been set aside and is owned by the City, and this alignment would ensure connections between neighbourhoods in the area.


Date added: April, 2018

What is the City doing with the land it owns in the area?

The City owned 10 parcels of land throughout Waverley West 'B'; most of which are one acre in size. There are no immediate plans for any of these parcels. However, there is a potential for these parcels to be sold to landowners or even exchanged for park space elsewhere in the planning area. It is expected that feedback obtained from the development of the secondary plan will help determine what the City does with these properties.

Date added: April, 2018

What is being done to preserve local natural habitats?

The City strives to protect mature trees and forest as land is developed. However, it is within a landowner's rights to be able to remove vegetation or trees from property they own.

While the City Naturalist will be involved in the development of the secondary plan, we welcome additional information regarding valuable or sensitive natural features. Please contact or 204-986-2636 to make us aware of additional features to be taken into consideration.

Date added: April, 2018

Where can I find more information?

Up-to-date information about the project, including progress and engagement opportunities, will be available on the project website.

Date added: April, 2018

City and Development Processes

Can development occur in Waverley West 'B' before the area structure plan is in place?

As per Section 13.1.3 of the Waverley West Area Structure Plan, development applications will not be accepted until an area structure plan has been adopted by Council as a secondary plan by-law.

Date added: April, 2018

What is the process for getting the secondary plan adopted by Council as by-law?

To be adopted as by-law, secondary plans go through a number of City committee and Council meetings. Once a draft secondary plan (plan) is complete, it is submitted to the Standing Policy Committee (SPC) for Property and Development, who chooses whether or not to recommend the plan (now a proposed by-law) be given First Reading by Council. This recommendation goes to Executive Policy Committee (EPC), who decides on whether or not to concur with (agree with) the recommendation made by SPC. Finally, Council votes to decide whether or not to give first reading to the proposed by-law, and determines which committee will host a public hearing (usually the community committee, in this case, the Assiniboia Community Committee, but could be the SPC). After Council votes, first reading is considered complete.

After first reading, a public hearing is held by the committee as directed by Council to allow for the public to provide feedback on the proposed by-law. As mentioned, the hearing is most often hosted by the local community committee made up of three Councillors; including the councillor for the ward in which the subject land of the proposed by-law is located.

Following the public hearing, the community committee puts forth a motion to SPC with recommendations based on their assessment of the public hearing. The recommendations are then sent to SPC and EPC, with each voting on a motion with recommendations for Council to consider before voting to give the proposed by-law a second and third reading.

Date added: April, 2018

Will there be a public hearing regarding the area structure plan?

Yes. Area structure plans are adopted by Council as secondary plan by-laws. The secondary plan by-law adoption process requires that a public hearing be advertised and held between first and second readings by Council (City of Winnipeg Charter Act, Section 243).

Date added: April, 2018

What is the process of development after the area structure plan is adopted?

The City's role is to create a secondary plan by-law for the Planning Area, which will establish rules (policies) to guide the future development of the area.

After the Waverley West 'B' area structure plan has been adopted by Council as a secondary plan by-law, the City will be able to accept development applications for the subdivision and rezoning of land in the planning area. Development applications will go through the standard municipal approval process, which includes the opportunity for community input at a public hearing.

Date added: April, 2018

Who will pay for roads, sewer, water and land drainage?

Costs of servicing an area are shared amongst developers (landowners). The cost of collector roads, sewer, water and land drainage infrastructure is shared among all developers (landowners) in the planning area. The individual shared cost of these items may be calculated by acre or, if servicing is initiated through the local improvement process, by linear feet of frontage (i.e. the part of your lot that faces the road, measured in feet)

Payment for servicing is often triggered during the development application process. In other words, the landowner/developer is charged for these items as a condition of approval for a proposed development (e.g. application to rezone and/or subdivide a property). However, other mechanisms also exist, such as Local Improvements.

Information about the Local Improvement Process can be found at:

Date added: April, 2018

Who is responsible and who pays for the streets, roads, street lighting, schools, recreation facilities, parks and playgrounds and anything else (other than sewer, water and drainage) that goes with a development?
  • Streets, roads and street lighting are paid for by the developers/landowners in the area as part of the development application process. However, some roads (e.g., major arterials like Kenaston or Waverley) are partially paid for by the City.
  • Schools are paid for by the Province.
  • Recreation Facilities are most often paid for by the City.
  • Parks are dedicated to the City by developers/landowners during the subdivision process. When a landowner subdivides or rezones a property, the City has the authority to ask for 10% of the subject land as dedication for parks. However, if the area being subdivided is relatively small, the City may also take the cash value equivalent of 10% of the subject land (called 'cash-in-lieu'), and place it in the Land Dedication Reserve Fund. Funds can be used to acquire land for parks or recreation facilities.
  • Playground structures and landscaping are paid for with money from the Land Dedication Reserve Fund.

Date added: April, 2018

If I build in this area, will I be charged impact fee?

The impact fee is being phased-in over a period of three years. During the initial phase, the impact fee applies to new residential developments in New Communities and Emerging Communities as set out in OurWinnipeg.

A working group comprised of elected officials, city administrative staff, and industry and community stakeholders was established to advise on the impact fee's implementation over the phase-in period. This working group will provide for ongoing industry and community participation and input into future impact fee rates and their manner of application.

Date added: April, 2018

Will there be cell towers in the area?

We realize that adequate cell phone coverage is an expectation (and sometimes a need) for urban residents. Telecommunication providers have expressed a need for increased coverage in this area; however, the secondary plan is not expected to identify cell tower locations.

Establishing a cell tower requires a cell provider to submit a proposal to the City. The City has an Antenna Systems Policy that outlines the land use consultation process, situations in which a company would be exempt from submitting a proposal, and other guidelines for evaluating antenna systems proposals.

Date added: April, 2018

How are you consulting landowners and the general public?

This process will include a number of opportunities to get involved – in late 2017 and early 2018, the City hosted an information session and workshops with landowners in the area. In spring 2018, there will be one more landowner workshop as well as open house events for the general public to gather information and provide feedback. When the draft plan is complete, there will be another opportunity to provide feedback directly to decision-makers through a public hearing.

Notification of the various events will be provided through mail-outs and newspaper advertisements. In addition, up-to-date information about the project, including progress and engagement opportunities, will be available on the project website.

Date added: April, 2018

How can I get involved?

To find out how to get involved, visit the 'Engage' tab of the project website.

Date added: April, 2018

Information for Landowners

I own land in Waverley West 'B'. How will the area structure plan affect my property?

The Waverley West Area Structure Plan will not require any person to alter the existing use of (or develop) their land. However, any future development applications will not be accepted unless they propose development consistent with policies and ideas outlined in the area structure plan.

Unless a landowner submits a development application to the City of Winnipeg to have their property rezoned, existing parcels of land in the Waverley West 'B' planning area will be subject to the current zoning category assigned by Winnipeg Zoning By-law 200/2006.

Date added: April, 2018

Will the secondary plan change my taxes?

Once the secondary plan by-law is adopted, landowners will be permitted to submit development applications to improve/alter the existing parcels (ie. rezoning and subdivision applications). The proximity of new development and services has the potential to increase the value of existing properties which may result in an increase in taxes.

Date added: April, 2018

Will a change in zoning change my taxes?

A change in taxes is often related to a change in property value. Improvements made to a property will often result in an increase in property value. While rezoning a property may not automatically result in an increase in value, improvements or changes in use made to a property as enabled by the rezoning may.

Date added: April, 2018

If my house burned down today, would I be able to replace it?

Yes, if your house were to burn down you would be allowed to replace it.

Date added: April, 2018

Would I be able to get an electrical permit for my existing house?

The development and adoption of a secondary plan for Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' will not change a homeowner's ability to obtain an electrical permit.

Date added: April, 2018

Would I be able to build a deck for my existing house?

The development and adoption of a secondary plan for Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' will not impact a homeowner's ability to obtain a permit for a deck.

Date added: April, 2018

When will services reach my property?

While the secondary plan cannot require that development will occur by a specified date, it may include a general phasing strategy. Phasing of development throughout the neighbourhood has not yet been determined and will remain a topic for discussion throughout the secondary plan development process.

Date added: April, 2018

How do existing residents connect to sewer and water through a Local Improvement?

Information about the Local Improvement Process can be found at:

Date added: April, 2018

What if I want to keep my property the way it is?

You can maintain your existing land uses for as long as you like, but all future development proposals (ex. subdivision, rezoning) will have to conform with the policies of the Secondary Plan By-law.

Landowners should be aware that the Province requires landowners to connect existing development to new sewer lines within five (5) years of them becoming available. This would include decommissioning any existing individual waste water systems currently in use.

Date added: April, 2018

I own land in Waverley West 'B' and have not been contacted regarding the area structure plan

We are very sorry to have missed you. Please contact the Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' project team, at or 204-986-2636.

Date added: April, 2018

I have questions about the project that are not included in this document or the website.

Please contact us at or 204-986-2636.

Date added: April, 2018


The planning area (Map 1) is approximately 435 acres in area and is located west of Waverley Street, east of Kenaston Boulevard, and south of a future Bison Drive extension in the South Winnipeg-St. Norbert ward. Surrounding neighbourhoods (Map 2) include Bridgwater Forest to the north, Bridgwater Town Centre to the west, South Pointe neighbourhood to the south, and Fairfield Park to the east.

Map 1

Waverley West Neighbourhood B Planning Area Map

Waverley West Neighbourhood 'B' Planning Area


Map 2

Waverley West Map

Waverley West


Map 3

Land Use Concept Map

Land Use Concept


Last update: February 14, 2024

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