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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Planning, Property & Development

The Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006 Review

Since the adoption of OurWinnipeg and the Complete Communities Direction Strategy, the City has brought forward amendments to either better align the Winnipeg Zoning By-law to those Council-adopted policies, or to correct errors and omissions and continually improve the functionality of the Zoning By-law.

The previous review of the Winnipeg Zoning By-law was completed in 2014. The Winnipeg Public Service has completed another review of the Winnipeg Zoning By-law and has sought public input on the proposed amendments.

An open house was held on October 20, 2016. Thank-you to those who attended, and to those who provided their feedback either at the event, by filling out a survey, by email, or by written submission. All feedback has been compiled and was used to inform the recommendations that the Winnipeg Public Service put forward to Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on the proposed zoning amendments.

A public hearing was held before Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on January 17, 2017. Thank-you to those who participated.

Public representation on this matter is now closed. The zoning amendments were adopted by Council at their meeting on January 25, 2017, and are now in force and effect, with the following amendment:

"That a Micro-Brewery, Distillery or Winery use be conditional in RMU, C1 on CMU zoned land."

The Minutes of the Council meeting Jan. 25, 2017 and the Amending By-law adopted Jan 25, 2017 , are posted under the "Documents" tab of this webpage.

We thank all stakeholders and members of the public for their valued input shared in this process.


On July 5, 2016, the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development approved the recommendations of the Winnipeg Public Service to proceed with engagement on the items contained in the Public Service titled: Winnipeg Zoning By-Law 200/2006 Review (2016).

The Winnipeg Public Service report included a total of 66 "minor" amendments and 10 considerable or "major" amendments, all of which are outlined in Appendix "A" and "B" of the report (click the "Documents" tab on this webpage to view the report). The main focus of the public engagement, held from October 7-27, 2016, was on the 10 "major" amendments, to which one additional change was added regarding attached secondary suites. The 11 "major" amendments are:

  1. Amending regulations for care homes and neighbourhood rehabilitation homes, and changing the existing focus from separation distances to the intensity of each use and form in relation to the zoning district.
  2. Permitting body modification establishments where these uses are conditional.
  3. Adding call centres as a permitted use with a use specific standard in the C2 zone.
  4. Adding craft brewery, distillery and winery as a principal use with use specific standards in order to accommodate small-scale breweries or distilleries, particularly in commercial zones.
  5. Changing the existing definition of micro-brewery, distillery or winery to allow beer or alcohol produced on-site to be sold to other restaurants, drinking establishments or wholesalers and making this accessory use permitted where it is currently conditional.
  6. Allowing for limited, shared, non-accessory parking per the January 13, 2015 motion from the Standing Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development.
  7. Amending the minimum front yard requirements under Table 5-5 for the C1, C2 and CMU districts to ensure that the minimum front yard of 0 (zero) feet does not apply to parking, loading or queuing spaces.
  8. Amending the existing fascia signage (signs attached to a building) provisions per the March 8, 2016, Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development motion.
  9. Requiring landscaping improvements consistent with section 191.1 of Zoning By-law 200/2006 when a substantial amount of the site is redeveloped.
  10. Extending the current 20% parking reduction in the Urban Infill Area to include all Mature Communities.
  11. Making attached secondary suites a permitted use instead of conditional per the July 5, 2016 recommendations of the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development.

Updated: February 6, 2017

Project Timeline



Updated: February 6, 2017


Document Name Date Type
Council Minutes Jan. 25, 2017 2017-02-06 Public Information
Amending By-Law - adopted Jan. 25, 2017 2017-02-06 Public Information
Appendix C - Draft By-law 148/2016 2017-01-13 Public Information
Public Service Report 2017-01-13 Public Information
Public Notice 2016-12-22 Public Notice
Audiences Publiques 2016-12-22 Public Notice
Information boards 2016-09-26 Open House Boards
Open House Advertisement 2016-09-26 Advertisement
Winnipeg Zoning By-law 200/2006 Review (2016) – Report to the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development. 2016-09-26 Public Information

Updated: February 6, 2017


A public hearing was held before Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on January 17, 2017. Thank-you to those who participated.

Public representation on this matter is now closed. The zoning amendments were adopted by Council at their meeting on January 25, 2017, and are now in force and effect, with the following amendment:

"That a Micro-Brewery, Distillery or Winery use be conditional in RMU, C1 on CMU zoned land."

The Minutes of the Council meeting Jan. 25, 2017 and the Amending By-law adopted Jan 25, 2017 , are posted under the "Documents" tab of this webpage.

We thank all stakeholders and members of the public for their valued input shared in this process.

Please feel free to email the project team at with any questions you may have.

Updated: February 6, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Winnipeg Zoning By-law?

The Winnipeg Zoning By-law applies to all areas of the city outside of the boundaries of the Downtown Winnipeg Zoning By-law. Its intention is to promote the orderly use and development of property and structures, supports the health, safety and general welfare of the City and to implement the provisions of OurWinnipeg, the Complete Communities Direction Strategy and the adopted Secondary Plans included in the Winnipeg Zoning By-law.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Why review the Winnipeg Zoning By-law?

From time to time, the City proposes adjustments to the By-Law. The primary reasons to review and update the Winnipeg Zoning By-law are to:

  • Continually improve the functionality of the By-law;
  • Make changes such as correcting errors and omissions; and to,
  • Better align the By-law with OurWinnipeg and the Complete Communities Direction Strategy.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Updated: January 13, 2017

What is OurWinnipeg and what is the Complete Communities Direction Strategy?

OurWinnipeg is Winnipeg’s Development Plan By-law adopted by City Council.

The Complete Communities Direction Strategy is a Secondary Plan by-law adopted by City Council, which describes the City’s land use and development strategy. It is one of four Direction Strategies supporting OurWinnipeg. The primary focus of Complete Communities is to describe Winnipeg’s physical characteristics and provide a strategy for accommodating growth and development in the City over the next 20 years.

Date added: September 26, 2016

What are the key differences between the "major" proposed amendments and the "minor" proposed amendments?

"Major" amendments result in changes to zoning entitlements or the introduction of provisions that are not currently found in Winnipeg Zoning By-law 200/2006.

"Minor" amendments deal with any one or more of the following:

  • Correction - Includes spelling errors and confusing or missing wording.
  • Clarification - Includes opportunities to add additional text or more specific language to minimize potential confusion.
  • Functional Improvements - Includes tweaks to the regulations to achieve better results in the built product and/or a more streamlined, predictable process.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Where did the proposed amendments to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law come from?

"Major" proposed changes came either from recommendations of the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development, or from an internal review by the Winnipeg Public Service.

"Minor" proposed changes were initiated by the Winnipeg Public Service through a review of the Winnipeg Zoning By-law.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Why is the public being consulted on the proposed amendments?

The public engagement period is now concluded. Please click the "Engage" tab to see next steps for the project.

Updated: October 27, 2016

Many of the proposed "major" amendments will result in changes to land use entitlements and the quality of development. The public are being consulted to gauge support on the proposed amendments.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Has there been any direct engagement with stakeholders on the proposed "major" amendments?

Yes, there have been some direct stakeholder meetings. The stakeholder meetings were needed to better understand the operating requirements for care homes, neighbourhood rehabilitation homes, and the craft brewing industry prior to finalizing an approach for further public engagement on the respective amendments to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006. There was also a stakeholder meeting with The West Alexander Residents’ Association, who are seen as key stakeholders for shared parking issues near the Health Sciences Centre.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Will the proposed amendments require a public hearing?

Yes. A public hearing was held before Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on January 17, 2017. The hearing was advertised in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter Act and the Development Procedures By-law. Thank-you to those who participated.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Updated: February 6, 2017

What is the difference between the public engagement process and a public hearing?

Public engagement helps the Public Service better understand the public’s level of support for the proposed Zoning By-law amendments and may help shape an approach to the proposed amendments. A summary on the results of the public engagement will be included in the Winnipeg Public Service’s staff report on the rezoning application (DAZ) for a text amendment to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law No. 200/2006.

A public hearing is a process requirement for certain development applications, including a rezoning (DAZ), which is mandated within the City of Winnipeg Charter Act. The public hearing process allows members of the public to make representation before the Public Hearing body on the proposed amendments. The Public Hearing body may take these representations into consideration when providing its recommendations on the proposed amendments to Council. Please review this site for more details on the public hearing process:

Date added: September 26, 2016

When and where will the public hearing take place?

The public hearing was held before Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on January 17, 2017. The hearing was advertised in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter Act and the Development Procedures By-law. Thank-you to those who participated.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Updated: February 6, 2017

Will I be able to speak in support or opposition to any of the proposed "major" amendments at the public hearing?

The public hearing was held before Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development on January 17, 2017. The hearing was advertised in accordance with the City of Winnipeg Charter Act and the Development Procedures By-law. Thank-you to those who participated.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Updated: February 6, 2017

Can I view the Public Service’s report and recommendations in advance of the public hearing?

Yes. The Public Service Report, including Appendix "C", which is the Draft Amending By-law, was posted under the "Documents" tab of this webpage four days in advance of the public hearing before the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development.

Date added: January 13, 2017

Updated: February 6, 2017

When will the proposed amendments come into force and effect?

The zoning amendments are now in force and effect.

Date added: September 26, 2016

Updated: February 6, 2017

Related Links

Last update: September 26, 2022

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