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Planning, Property & Development

North St. Boniface Secondary Plan & Boulevard Provencher PDO Review

The North St. Boniface Secondary Plan and Boulevard Provencher Planned Development Overlay (PDO-1) are important planning tools that help guide how land can be developed and used in the area. Both the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan and the Boulevard Provencher PDO documents have not been updated since the adoption of OurWinnipeg and the Complete Communities Direction Strategy (adopted in 2011). The City has initiated a review of the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan and the Boulevard Provencher PDO-1 to ensure they remain current and align with the policies in the Complete Communities Direction Strategy.


Project Timeline






The Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage, and Downtown Development initiated a review of both the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan and the Boulevard Provencher PDO-1. As part of the review, the City of Winnipeg is seeking input from area residents, local business owners, other community stakeholders, and members of the public.

Scope of Review

The review of the Boulevard Provencher PDO-1 will:

  1. Update the design review process in order to align it with existing design review processes in other PDO-1s (ex. PDO-1 Downtown Transcona; PDO-1 St. Norbert).
  2. Update the maximum building height requirements on the south side of Boulevard Provencher.
  3. Consider possible amendments to the list of prohibited uses.

The review of the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan will:

  1. Update the Plan.
  2. Align the Plan with the Complete Communities Direction Strategy.
  3. Ensure the Plan is consistent with and supports the proposed amendments to the Boulevard Provencher PDO-1.
  4. Consider possible amendments to the Lower Density Residential and Higher Density Residential policies contained in the IMPLEMENTATION section of the Plan.
  5. Consider amending the Plan's Proposed Land Use Map to depict the Lower Density Residential and Higher Density Residential areas separately, instead of depicting them together as "Residential Policy Area" (which is currently the case).


Thank you to all who attended the Public Open House on June 7, 2016 at École Taché. A total of 123 people attended the event and 100 feedback questionnaires were completed either online or at the Public Open House.

View the summary report of all the feedback received.

Frequently Asked Questions

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North St. Boniface Secondary Plan
Plan secondaire du nord de Saint-Boniface

What is a Secondary Plan?

A Secondary Plan is a by-law, adopted by City Council, which sets comprehensive land use policies and other planning proposals for an established part of the city. The purpose of the plan is to provide detailed area context that will allow planning decisions to take into account both public and local concerns. A Secondary Plan may also form the basis for a public improvements program within a specified plan area.

Date added: May 20, 2016

What is the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan?

The purpose of the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan (“the Plan”) is to ensure that the development within its boundaries occurs in a logical, integrated manner, which will result in a high quality neighbourhood. It was originally created in 1976 and last updated in 2008. The Plan is to be consistent with OurWinnipeg, the City’s development plan, and Complete Communities, the City’s land use and development Direction Strategy.

Date added: May 20, 2016

Why is the City conducting the review?

The review was initiated for a number of reasons, namely:

  • The North St. Boniface Secondary Plan (“the Plan”) was originally created in 1976 and last updated in 2008;
  • The Plan has not been updated since the adoption of the Complete Communities Direction Strategy (adopted in 2011);
  • The Plan must be continuously monitored to “ensure the secondary plan remains contemporary and continues to provide adequate land development and redevelopment guidance.”;
  • Development in the Plan area over the past five years and communications from members of the land development industry to the Planning, Property, and Development Department suggest there is an increasing demand for higher density residential development within the Plan area;
  • The Housing section of the Plan encourages the “location of family units in North St. Boniface through the provision of a wide variety of housing types”.

Date added: May 18, 2016

What is OurWinnipeg and the Complete Communities Direction Strategy?

The Complete Communities By-law is a Secondary Plan by-law adopted by the City of Winnipeg (under section 234 of the City of Winnipeg Charter), which describes the City’s land use and development strategy.  Complete Communities is one of four Direction Strategies supporting Winnipeg’s Development Plan By-law: OurWinnipeg.  The primary focus of Complete Communities is to describe Winnipeg’s physical characteristics and provide a strategy for accommodating growth and development in the City for the next 20 years.

Date added: May 18, 2016

Will there be a public hearing?

Yes, any amendments to the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan require a public hearing at Riel Community Committee.

Date added: May 18, 2016

When will the public hearing take place?

The City anticipates that the public hearings will take place in winter 2016.

Date added: May 18, 2016

Boulevard Provencher Planned Development Overlay (PDO)

What is a Planned Development Overlay?

A Planned Development Overlay (PDO) is a zoning tool that modifies land uses and/or development standards in an area. It is applied in unique or special circumstances, in order to achieve local planning objectives in specially designated areas.

Why have a Planned Development Overlay for Boulevard Provencher?

The purpose of the Provencher Boulevard PDO is to encourage the protection of Provencher Boulevard with its cultural and historic significance to the French community as the neighbourhood main street for St. Boniface. The PDO provides specific regulations dealing with land use, dimensional standards, signage, and parking.

What is the current design review process in the Boulevard Provencher PDO?

What is the current design review process in the Boulevard Provencher PDO?


What is the design review process outlined in the Downtown Transcona PDO 1 and in the St. Norbert Neighbourhood Main Street PDO 1?

What is the design review process outlined in the Downtown Transcona PDO 1 and in the St. Norbert Neighbourhood Main Street PDO 1?


What is the difference between a public meeting and a public hearing?

Public hearing:

  • Requires a notice be posted on the building or property under review and, with certain applications, a notice published in the newspaper 14 days in advance of the public hearing.
  • Requires the relevant hearing body (i.e., Community Committee) hear presentations from members of the public who wish to make submissions, ask questions, or register objections to a specific development application.
  • For more information on the public hearing process please visit:

Public meeting:

  • Members of the public can attend but are not allowed to speak to a specific agenda item while the Community Committee meeting is in session.
  • Members of the public can register as a delegation to speak to a specific agenda item before the Community Committee meeting is in session.
What are the current building height restrictions on the south side of Boulevard Provencher?

The maximum height of any building or structure on the south side of Boulevard Provencher is 30 feet.

What are the current building height restrictions on the north side of Boulevard Provencher?

The maximum height of any building or structure on the north side of Boulevard Provencher is 80 feet.

What uses are currently prohibited in the Boulevard Provencher PDO?

The following uses are prohibited in the PDO:

  • Car wash
  • Amusement devices (maximum 2 per property)
  • Drive-in or Drive-through (except as Conditional Use for a drive-in without direct access to Blvd Provencher for a financial institution)
Will there be a public hearing?

Yes, any amendments to the PDO require a public hearing at Riel Community Committee.

When will the public hearing take place?

The City anticipates that the public hearings will take place in winter 2016.

Related Links

  • Amendments to the North St. Boniface Secondary Plan and the Boulevard Provencher PDO 1 must align with the City's official development plan, OurWinnipeg, adopted by Council on July 20, 2011.
Last update: June 16, 2021

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