Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Off-leash dog area FAQ

How long will it take to get an OLA established in my neighbourhood?
The process can take anywhere from 10 weeks to one year depending on the scale of project, type of area proposed and nature of land designation and funding requirements. Requests can be denied at any stage of the process.
What rules will the OLA have to follow if it moves forward?
Any OLA is subject to all Parks By-Laws as well as the Responsible Pet Ownership By-Laws.
What will the hours of operation be for new OLAs?
As per the Parks By-Law, the hours of operation (unless otherwise posted) will be 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Who will be responsible to maintain the OLA?
Unless an organization is identified as the Steward of the OLA, Parks and Open Space will maintain the park as part of their existing service delivery, while enforcement will be responsibility of the Animal Services Division.
How can I arrange for summer use of Community Centre hockey pens as an OLA?

If you wish to have a hockey pen designated as an off-leash area, you must work with the community centre on an application and follow the existing process:

As per the Universal Funding Formula Agreement between the City of Winnipeg, General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres and individual community centres, individual centres are responsible for all programming activities located at their sites. To designate a seasonal Off-Leash Area (OLA) in a hockey pen at a centre, the board must submit a written and approved motion annually by April 30 to the Manager of Parks and Open Space. Parks will ensure the CC is aware of their responsibilities for maintenance related to the OLA, and Parks will provide appropriate signate.

Once these conditions are met, and the designation of the OLA in the hockey pen is approved, the City's website, and Animal Services will be updated for the seasonal designation.

What does the process include to get a dog park?
View the full process, along with all the steps: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan (OLAMP) Implementation Procedures

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