City of Winnipeg, Naturalist Services Branch |
Habitat Site Report |
Assiniboine Forest |
Site Description: |
Assiniboine Forest is a 700 acre nature park located at Chalfont Road and Grant Avenue. The habitat consists of aspen |
and oak forest habitat, with a few small areas of tall-grass prairie restoration and a 12 acre pond built in 1976/77. The area |
supports a resident population of white-tailed deer as well as nesting waterfowl at the pond. Souh of Grant Ave, the forest |
contains a network of paved, woodchip, and crushed limestone trails. Paved trails on the perimeter of the forest connect to |
trails through Assiniboine Park. |
Location: | Site #: | 542 |
Large Forest running South of Corydon Ave, North of Wilkes Ave, West of Shaftesbury |
Habitat Information |
Grade: | A | Habitat Types: | Aspen Forest, Oak Forest, Prairie, Wetland |
Area in Hectares: | 287.77 | |
Plants Found at Site |
Species Name | Common Name | Date added to list | | Origin |
Acer negundo | Manitoba maple | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis | Woolly yarrow | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Actaea rubra | Red baneberry | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Agastache foeniculum | Giant-hyssop, Blue giant-hyssop | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Agoseris glauca | False dandelion | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Agropyron dasystachyum | Northern wheat grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Agropyron repens | Quack- grass, Couch-grass | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Agropyron trachycaulum | Slender wheatgrass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Agrostis scabra | Rough hair grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Alisma triviale | Water-plantain | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Allium stellatum | Wild onion, Pink-flowered onion | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Amelanchier alnifolia | Saskatoon | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Amorpha nana | Dwarf false indigo, Fragrant false indigo | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Anaphalis margaritacea | Pearly everlasting | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Andropogon gerardii | Big bluestem | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Anemone canadensis | Canada anemone | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Anemone cylindrica | Long-fruited anemone | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Anemone multifida | Cut-leaved anemone | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Apocynum androsaemifolium | Spreading dogbane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Apocynum cannabinum | Indian-hemp | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Aralia nudicaulis | Wild sarsparilla | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Arctium lappa | Common burdock | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Arenaria lateriflora | Grove-sandwort | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Arnica chamissonis | Leafy arnica | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Artemisia absinthium | Absinthe | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Artemisia frigida | Pasture sage | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Artemisia ludoviciana | Prairie sage | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Artemisia vulgaris | Common wormwood | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp milkweed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Asclepias ovalifolia | Dwarf milkweed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Asclepias syriaca | Common or Silky milkweed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Asparagus officinalis | Garden asparagus | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Aster brachyactis | Rayless aster | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Aster ciliolatus | Lindleys aster | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Aster ericoides | Many flowered aster | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Aster ericoides var. pansus | Heath aster | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Aster laevis | Smooth aster | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Aster ptarmicoides | Upland white goldenrod | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Aster simplex | Small blue aster | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Astragulus adsurgens var. robustior | Ascending purple milkvetch | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Astragulus agrestis | Milkvetch or purple milkvetch | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Atriplex patula | Spearscale | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Beckmannia syzigachne | Slough grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Bidens cernua | Stick-tight, Smooth beggar-ticks | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Bidens frondosa | Common beggarticks | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Botrychium virginianum | Rattlesnake fern | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Brassica kaber | Wild mustard | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Bromus ciliatus | Fringed brome | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Bromus inermis | Smooth brome | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Calamagrostis canadensis | Marsh reed grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Campanula rapunculoides | Creeping bluebell | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Campanula rotundifolia | Harebell, Bluebell | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Caragana arborescens | Common caragana | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Carex aenea | Fernald's hay sedge | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Carex aurea | Golden sedge | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Carex crawei | Crawe's sedge | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Carex lanuginosa | Woolly sedge | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Carex rostrata | Beaked sedge | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Carex spp. | Sedge | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Carex trisperma | Three-sided sedge | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox sedge | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Chenopodium album | Lambs-quarters | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Cicuta maculata | Water-hemlock | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Cirsium arvense | Canada thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Cirsium discolor | Field thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Cirsium flodmanii | Flodmans thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Cirsium muticum | Swamp thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Coeloglossum viride var. viride | Frog orchis | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Comandra umbellata | Bastard toadflax | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida | Pale comandra | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata | Richards comandra, Bastard toad-flax | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Convolvulus sepium | Hedge bindweed, Wild morning-glory | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Cornus stolonifera | Red osier dogwood | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Corylus americana | American hazelnut | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Corylus cornuta | Beaked hazelnut | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Crataegus spp. | Hawthorn | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Crataegus succulenta | Long-spined hawthorn | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Crepis runcinata | Scapose hawks-beard | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Cuscuta spp. | Dodder | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Cypripedium calceolus | Yellow lady's-slipper | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Dracocephalum formosius | False dragonhead | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Echinochloa crusgalli | Barnyard grass | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian olive | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Eleocharis spp. | Spike-rush | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Elymus canadensis | Canada wild rye | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Epilobium angustifolium | Fireweed, Great willowherb | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Epilobium palustre | Marsh willowherb | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Equisetum arvense | Common horsetail | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Erigeron acris | Northern daisy fleabane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Erigeron asper | Rough fleabane | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Erigeron canadensis | Horse-weed, Canada fleabane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Erigeron glabellus | Smooth fleabane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Erigeron philadelphicus | Philadelphia fleabane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Erigeron strigosus | Daisy fleabane | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Eupatorium maculatum | Joe-pye | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Fragaria virginiana | Smooth wild strawberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green ash | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Gaillardia aristata | Great-flowered gaillardia | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Galium boreale | Northern bedstraw | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Galium triflorum | Sweet-scented bedstraw | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Gentiana andrewsii | Closed gentian | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Gentianella crinita | Fringed gentian | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Geranium carolinianum | Carolina wild geranium | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Geum triflorum | Three-flowered avens | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Glechoma hederacea | Gill-over-the-ground | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Glycyrrhiza lepidota | Wild licorice | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Grindelia squarrosa | Gumweed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Helianthus maximiliani | Narrow-leaved sunflower | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Helianthus pauciflorus | Stiff sunflower | 8/11/2010 | | Native |
Helianthus pauciflorus var. | Beautiful sunflower | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
subrhomboideus |
Helianthus tuberosus | Jerusalem artichoke | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Heliopsis helianthoides | Ox-eye | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Heracleum lanatum | Cow-parsnip | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Heuchera richardsonii | Alumroot | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Hieracium cynoglossoides | Woolly hawkweed | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Hieracium umbellatum | Narrow-leaf hawkweed | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Hordeum jubatum | Foxtail barley | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Juncus balticus | Baltic rush | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Juncus balticus var. littoralis | Rush | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Juncus dudleyi | Dudley's rush | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella | Blue lettuce | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Lathyrus ochroleucus | Pale vetchling | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lathyrus palustris | Marsh vetchling | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lathyrus venosus | Wild peavine | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Leersia oryzoides | Rice cutgrass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Leonurus cardiaca | Common motherwort | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Liatris ligulistylis | Meadow blazingstar | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Liatris punctata | Dotted blazingstar | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood lily | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lonicera dioica | Twining Honeysuckle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lonicera tatarica | Tartarian honesuckle | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Lycopus americanus | Water-horehound | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lysimachia ciliata | Fringed loosestrife | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Lysimachia thyrsiflora | Tufted loosestrife | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Lythrum salicaria | Purple loosestrife | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Maianthemum canadense | Two-leaved Soloman's-seal,Wild lilly of | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
| the valley |
Malus spp. | Apple tree | 11/18/2007 | | Unknown |
Matricaria maritima | Scentless chamomile | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Matricaria matricarioides | Pineappleweed | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Medicago lupulina | Black medick | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Medicago sativa | Alfalfa | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Melilotus alba | White sweet-clover | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Melilotus officinalis | Yellow sweet-clover | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Melissa officinalis | Common balm | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Mentha arvensis | Field mint | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Moldavica parviflora | American dragon-head | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Monarda fistulosa | Wild bergamont | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Monotropa uniflora | Indian-pipe | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Orobanche uniflora | One-flowered broom-rape | 7/15/2006 | | Native |
Orthocarpus luteus | Owls-clover | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Panicum leibergii | Liebergs panic-grass | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Panicum virgatum | Switch grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia creeper | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Petalostemon candidum | White prairie-clover | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Petalostemon purpureum | Purple prairie-clover | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Petasites sagittatus | Arrow-leaved colt's foot | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Phleum pratense | Timothy | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Phragmites australis | Common reed grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Picea glauca | White spruce | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Plantago major | Common plantain | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Poa compressa | Canada blue grass | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Poa palustris | Fowl blue grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Poa pratensis | Kentucky blue grass | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Poa spp. | Blue grass | 8/11/2010 | | Unknown |
Polygala senega | Seneca snakeroot | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Polygonum aviculare | Doorweed | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Polygonum convolvulus | Wild buckwheat | 8/11/2010 | | Introduced |
Polygonum lapathifolium | Willow-weed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Populus balsamifera | Balsam poplar | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Populus tremuloides | Trembling aspen | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Potentilla anserina | Silverweed | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Potentilla argentea | Silvery cinquefoil | 8/11/2010 | | Introduced |
Prunus americana | American plum | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Prunus nigra | Canada plum | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Prunus pensylvanica | Pin cherry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Prunus virginiana | Red-fruited choke cherry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Pyrola asarifolia | Pink wintergreen | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Pyrola elliptica | Shinleaf | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur oak | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ranunculus cymbalaria | Seaside buttercup | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ranunculus macounii | Macoun | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ranunculus pensylvanicus | Bristly crowfoot | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ratibida columnifera | Long-headed coneflower | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rhus radicans var. rydbergii | Poison ivy | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Ribes hirtellum | Low gooseberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ribes oxyacanthoides | Bristly wild gooseberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rorippa islandica | Marsh yellow cress | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rosa acicularis | Prickly rose | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rosa blanda | Smooth rose | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rosa spp. | Rose | 8/11/2010 | | Unknown |
Rubus idaeus | Wild red raspberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rubus pubescens | Dewberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed susan | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Rumex crispus | Curled dock | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Rumex maritimus | Golden dock | 11/18/2007 | | Unknown |
Salix bebbiana | Bebbs willow, Beaked willow | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Salix discolor | Pussy willow | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Salix exigua | Sandbar willow | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Salix fragilis | Brittle willow | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Salix humilis | Gray willow | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Salix petiolaris | Basket willow | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Salix planifolia | Tea-leaved willow | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Salix spp. | Willow | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Sambucus nigra | European black elder | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Sanicula marilandica | Snakeroot | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Scirpus acutus | Hard-stemmed bulrush | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Scutellaria galericulata | Common skullcap | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Senecio spp. | Groundsel | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Sisyrinchium montanum | Blue-eyed grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Sium suave | Water-parsnip | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Smilacina racemosa | False spikenard | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Smilacina stellata | Star-flowered Solomon's-seal | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Smilax herbacea | Carrionflower | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Solidago canadensis | Canada goldenrod | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Solidago gigantea | Late goldenrod | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Solidago nemoralis | Showy goldenrod | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Solidago rigida | Stiff goldenrod | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Sonchus arvensis | Perennial sow-thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Sonchus asper | Spiny-leaved sow-thistle | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Spartina pectinata | Prairie cord grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Spiraea alba | Narrow-leaved meadowsweet | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie dropseed | 8/11/2010 | | Native |
Stachys palustris | Marsh hedge-nettle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Stachys tenuifolia | Smooth hedge nettle | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Steironema ciliatum | Fringed loosestrife | 7/1/1999 | | Unknown |
Stipa spartea | Spear grass | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Symphoricarpos albus | Snowberry | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Symphoricarpos occidentalis | Western snowberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Taraxacum officinale | Dandelion | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Thalictrum dasycarpum | Tall meadow-rue | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Thalictrum venulosum | Veiny meadow-rue | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Thlaspi arvense | Stinkweed, Field pennycress | 11/18/2007 | | Introduced |
Tragopogon dubius | Yellow goats-beard | 8/11/2010 | | Introduced |
Trifolium hybridum | Alsike clover | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Trifolium pratense | Red clover | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Trifolium repens | White clover | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Typha latifolia | Common cat-tail | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Ulmus americana | American elm | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Urtica dioica | Stinging nettle | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Veronica scutellata | Marsh speedwell | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Veronicastrum virginicum | Culvers-root | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Viburnum lentago | Nannyberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Viburnum opulus var. americanum | High bush-cranberry | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Viburnum rafinesquianum | Downy arrow-wood | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Vicia americana | Common vetch | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Vicia cracca | Tufted vetch | 7/1/1999 | | Introduced |
Viola nephrophylla | Northern bog violet | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Viola pedatifida | Crowfoot violet | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Viola pubescens | Downy yellow violet | 11/18/2007 | | Native |
Viola pubescens var. pubescens | Smooth yellow violet | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Zigadenus elegans | White camas | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Zizia aptera | Heart-leaved alexanders | 7/1/1999 | | Native |
Zizia aurea | Golden alexanders | 7/1/1999 | | Native |