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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.



Notable native plants of the Northwest Pioneers Greenway

Common name: Pink flowered onion

Scientific name: allium stellatum

Description: Pink flowers in cluster at end of slender stem. Leaves slender and circular. Entire plant has onion smell.

Habitat and distribution: Native Prairie / rare.

Flowering Season: June-August

Location on NPG: Between Springfield and Douglas Ave. on Raleigh side of trail.

Common name: Whorled milkweed

Scientific name: Asclepias verticillata

Description: Greenish white flowers in cluster of 10-20 at apex of plant. Leaves narrow and whorled. Short plant less then 60cm tall. A host plant for the monarch butterfly.

Habitat and distribution: Native prairie / uncommon

Flowering season: June-August

Location on NPG: Distributed in high quality areas.

Common name: Crowfoot violet

Scientific name: Viola pedatifida

Description: Flowers are violet blue and 2cm across. Leaves are finely divided and resemble a bird's foot. Plant is small and easily overlooked.

Habitat and distribution: Wet prairie / uncommon

Flowering season: June

Location on NPG: Concentrated around Douglas Ave. on Raleigh side of trail.

Common name: Purple prairie-clover

Scientific name: Dalea purpurea

Description: Purple flowers in densely packed spike. Leaves small and alternate on stalk. Branched plant between 15cm and 60cm in height.

Habitat and distribution: Native prairie / uncommon

Flowering season: June - August

Location on NPG: Between Springfield and Douglas Ave. on Raleigh side of trail.

Common name: Blue-eyed grass

Scientific name: Sisyrinchium montanum

Description: Flowers are bright blue (0.6cm across) and star shaped. Leaves are linear and grass like. Plant hard to spot unless in flower.

Habitat and distribution: Wet grasslands / common

Flowering season: June

Location on NPG: Abundant in diverse areas of the NPG.

Common name: Golden alexander

Scientific name: Zizia aurea

Description: Flowers are small and bright yellow and occur in cluster. Leaves are shiny, finely toothed and three-lobed.

Habitat and distribution: Moist meadows and prairie / uncommon

Flowering season: June - July

Location on NPG: Between Springfield and Douglas Ave. on Raleigh side of trail.

Common name: Spiked lobelia

Scientific name: Lobelia spicata

Description: Light blue flowers (1cm across) on vertical stem. Leaves small and linear. Plant is short (10-30cm).

Habitat and distribution: Native prairie / rare.

Flowering season: July

Location on NPG: Between Springfield and Douglas Ave. on Raleigh side of trail.

Common name: Wild rose (Prickly rose)

Scientific name: Rosa acicularis

Description: Deciduous shrub 0.3-1.5m tall, stout reddish colored stems densely covered in small weak bristles. Leaves are compound; 3-9 double-toothed oblong leaflets. Flowers; Pink with 5 petals. Fruit; Fleshy scarlet "hips".

Habitat and distribution: Open forest & prairie / common

Flowering season: May-July

Location on NPG: Widespread in no-mow sections of the greenway.

Common name: Spreading Dogbane (Indian hemp)

Scientific name: Apocynum cannabinum

Description: Perennial, 20-100cm tall, with branched red stems and milky sap. The leaves are opposite, short stalked with an oblong to egg shape. Flowers; bell-shaped, pink, and in clusters at stem tips. Fruit; Long, narrow, cylindrical pods in pairs bearing many seeds each with a long cottony tuft hair.

Habitat and distribution: Prairie

Flowering season: July

Location on NPG: Beside the trail in the northeast corner of the Springfield Rd. and Raleigh St. intersection.

Common name: Showy milkweed

Scientific name: Asclepias speciosa

Description: A sparingly branched perennial 45-90cm tall. The leaves are broad and blue-green in color. Flowers; umbels of rose-coloured and star-like. Sappy white sap in leaves and stem.

Habitat and distribution: Prairie, meadows, open areas / Common

Flowering season: Early summer

Location on NPG: A few plants in the no-mow sections between Kimberly Ave. and Springfield Rd.

Common name: Giant Hyssop

Scientific name: Agastache foeniculum

Description: Bushy upright plant grows 90-100cm tall and forms 10cm purple flower spikes atop square stems with opposite leaves. Edible anise scented leaves can also be used to make tea.

Habitat and distribution: Native Prairie / uncommon

Flowering season: June - August

Location on NPG: Abundant in restored areas along the Greenway.

Common name: Wild Bergamot, or Bee Balm

Scientific name: Monarda fistulosa

Description: Grows 60-90cm tall with masses of beautiful, large 5cm flowers surrounded with pink tubular florets. This edible plant with citrus scentred leaves spreads to form attractive clumps.

Habitat and distribution: Native Prairie / common

Flowering season: July

Location on NPG: Abundant in restored areas along the Greenway.

Last update: March 5, 2020
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