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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


Windsor Park Neighbourhood Parks Redevelopment

The Windsor Park neighbourhood has several small neighbourhood parks. Two of these parks, Agate Park and Durham Park have some of the most aged play equipment in the area and are in need of replacement. There is up to $210,000 to redevelop Agate Park and Durham Park through the Parks and Recreation Enhancement Program. To add to the diverse recreational needs of users, the City of Winnipeg (the 'City') is working with stakeholders and residents to determine the best way to invest in the future of these two neighbourhood parks.

Go to Public Engagement Projects Listing.


Thank you to the twenty people who came out to participate in the public workshop on April 24, 2018. An additional 82 people provided comment through an online survey available on this project page until May 1, 2018.

A summary analysis of the public engagement results and explanation of how they were worked into the final project design are now available through the public engagement report.

The contract was issued for tender in June of 2018. Construction is expected to start in the fall of 2018 or spring of 2019.

If you would like to stay updated on City of Winnipeg public engagement events, follow the City on Facebook and Twitter or sign up for our public engagement newsletter.





Document Name Date Type
Event Flyer 2018-04-09 Advertisement
News Release 2018-04-12 News Release
Public Engagement Report 2018-07-12 Report

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why are we focusing on Agate Park and Durham Park for redevelopment?
Of the neighbourhood parks in Windsor Park, Agate Park and Durham Park have some of the the most aged play equipment in the area, and the play equipment is in need of replacement.
Where are these two parks?
Agate Park is in the north west corner of the Windsor Park neighbourhood. The neighbourhood park can be accessed by Argonne Bay and Agate Bay. Durham Park on the south side of the neighbourhood is accessed by several walkways from the surrounding bays. Please visit the Maps tab for more location information.
What types of features could be added to the parks?
Public engagement activities are seeking to learn more about who is currently using these parks and what the community envisions for the future of these spaces. The limited size, availability of funds and proximity to nearby homes will preclude some features such as a sports field. Examples of standard City park furnishings include: park signage, accessible picnic tables, benches, waste receptacles, sand boxes and playground equipment.
How much will the redevelopments cost?
The approximate cost to replace with the same park amenities as existing is roughly $34,000 in Agate Park and $59,000 in Durham Park. To add new amenities similar to the newly developed parks in the area would cost closer to the $210,000 budget available.
Will the parks be decommissioned during construction?
Only the immediate areas under construction will be decommissioned during construction, and a construction access route will be identified in the plan. The remainder of the park areas will be accessible. Construction generally takes 3-4 weeks, depending on the project.
When will construction happen?
At minimum, parks redevelopment takes between 6-8 months from developing plans to construction completion. This may take longer, depending on a number of factors including development permits, availability of contractors, and weather delays. This project is aiming to start construction in the summer of 2018. Please visit the Timeline tab for more information.
How can I provide feedback?
Please visit the Engage tab for the latest information on how to get involved.




Last update: July 12, 2018
Parks Areas
North Area 1 Parks click here for athletic fields in North 1 Click here for athletic fields in the South Area Click here for athletic fields in South Area Click here for athletic fields in North 2 Click here for athletic fields in East Area Click here for athletic fields in East Area

Did you know that when you register your child for a sport at a local community centre, a portion of the registration fee is used to:

Aerate, top dress, and fertilize soccer, baseball and football pitches? The fee only contributes to approximately 50% of the total cost of these services.

This youth athletic fee is already included in your registration fee, and is approximately $10 per participant.


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