Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Tree stump removal

Urban Forestry Branch is responsible for the following tree stump removals:
- City boulevards and parks property only
Urban Forestry Branch is NOT responsible for the following tree stump removals:
- Private property, including from Dutch Elm disease removal (City may spray Dutch Elm Disease removal stumps to limit breeding of elm bark beetles)
- Natural areas and riverbanks
Stump removal timelines
- Up to 2 years
- Stumps remaining from city trees removed during the winter are removed by end of summer.
Stumping options
- Customer has the option of personally hiring a private contractor at their own expense please see Guidelines for maintaining City-owned trees using a qualified contractor
Stumping process
Stumps are removed to approximately 6 inches below grade and removal shall include buttress roots. Excess wood chips are removed so that a 4 inch layer of soil (tamped) fills the remainder of the hole. Grass seed is applied to the tamped soil surface. The benefits of this approach are that the main root crown and adjacent buttress roots are removed. This will reduce the probability of re-sprouting and ensure a more level surface.
Mushrooms growing from tree stump area
The mushrooms are coming up because the wood that remains in the ground after a tree removal, even a stump removal, is decaying. Mushrooms can come up for years after a tree is removed but do not pose any harm. Once the wood is sufficiently decayed and there is no more food (wood matter) for the fungus to use, the mushrooms will stop. We do not provide any treatment for this fungal growth.
Urban Forestry Branch Contact Information: 1539 Waverley St., Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 4V7 tel: 311, Fax: 204.222.2839