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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.


Maintaining City-owned trees

Urban Tree Canopy around Winnipeg

Residents may arrange to personally hire and pay a qualified contractor to either plant a tree on a boulevard or perform work (such as pruning, removal, and stumping) on city-owned boulevard and park trees.

The process to do either of these things is as follows:

  1. Choose a contractor from the pre-qualified contractor list below
  2. Work with the contractor to complete the contractor agreement form
  3. Submit an original, signed copy of the form to:
    Urban Forestry Branch
    Supervisor of Forestry & DED Operations
    1539 Waverley St, Winnipeg MB R3T 4V7
  4. You will be contacted by Urban Forestry within 10 working days to confirm whether your proposed work is approved, and to determine next steps.

    PLEASE NOTE: Neither residents nor their contractor can begin any work until the application is approved.

    Contractor questions

    Pre-qualified contractors

      Name Phone Email/ more info Willing to plant for HomeGrown grants
      Above & Below Tree Care 204-881-1772 Yes
      Alliance Tree Care 204-777-8733   Yes
      Echo Tree Service  204-775-3246  
      Green Drop Tree Care
    204-790-5234 Yes
      Griffith Tree Removal and Landscape 204-260-0334 Yes
      J & K Zinn Landscaping
    204-735-2408 Tree planting  
      J. Ross Property Maintenance & Landscaping 204-831-6445 Approved for planting only  
      Kildonan Tree Service 204-233-9337   Yes
      Main Branch Tree Service 204-612-1277 Yes
      Northern Grove Tree Service 204-904-9195 Yes
      Parkland Tree Care Ltd. 204-981-8273 No
      Pine to Palm Tree Services 431-998-8733   Yes
      Shurwood Forest tree service 204-230-3474 No
      Timberland Tree Service
      TNT Tree
      TreeSolve Inc. 204-951-1490 or 204-391-1840 Yes
      Trilogy Tree Services Ltd.

    Frequently asked questions

    Can a property owner prune, remove, or plant a tree themselves?

    No, the pruning, removal, and planting of trees is relatively high risk work that must be completed by qualified and insured experts (see the Agreement for Contractors to Perform Arboricultural Services on Trees Under the Control of the Urban Forestry Branch). Risks from improperly completed work include damage to property and injury to members of the public. Therefore, this type of work is not allowed except by a professional who has qualified with us.

    What qualifications are required for a contractor to maintain city-owned trees?

    All contractors must be licensed Manitoba Arborists, carry appropriate insurance, be covered by Worker's Compensation and provide evidence of an acceptable safety and health program. The contractors must pre-qualify with us before they are able to prune and remove trees.

    What type of pruning is acceptable?

    Pruning must be in accordance with the City of Winnipeg specifications included in the formal agreement. These standards follow the "ANSI A3000 Part 1-2001 Pruning Standards". The following pruning objectives must be followed: structural; cleaning; thinning; raising; and restoration. The "topping" of trees is not an acceptable pruning practice, and will not be approved.

    Can trees be removed?

    Yes, city-owned trees can be removed as long as the Urban Forestry Branch has approved the removal. The property owner must first apply, in writing, to the Urban Forestry Branch requesting a tree removal. The tree must be abutting the property. This letter must include the reasons why the tree is to be removed. Urban Forestry Branch staff will inspect the tree and determine whether or not the tree should be removed. If the removal is approved by the Urban Forestry Branch, the property owner may then complete the Agreement for Contractors to Perform Arboricultural Services on Trees Under the Control of the Urban Forestry Branch".

    Can trees be planted on city-owned property?

    Yes, trees can be planted on city-owned property, however, the species and location must still be approved by the Urban Forestry Branch. Please add as much information as possible on Schedule A including the species of the tree, size of the tree stock to be planted and where will the tree be planted. A hand written diagram of the planting location is preferred.

    Once the agreement is completed, how long do I have to wait for Urban Forestry Branch approval?

    At this time, this agreement is a pilot project. Once the application is completed and returned to us, Urban Forestry Branch staff will make every effort to approve the proposed work within 7 - 10 working days. Work can commence once you have received our approval on the agreement.

    What if the work is not completed to the satisfaction of the Urban Forestry Branch staff?

    Urban Forestry Branch staff will inspect the work. If the work is not completed properly, the property owner will be requested to remedy the situation within 3 days. If the work is not completed to the satisfaction of the City, City of Winnipeg staff may complete the necessary work and may recover the costs incurred in a like manner as municipal taxes.

    What if the contractor damages other property?

    The property owner is responsible to ensure there is no damage to turf or other trees from the tree maintenance work. If there is damage, the property owner will be requested to remedy the situation within 3 days. If the work is not completed to the satisfaction of the City, City of Winnipeg may complete the necessary work and may recover the costs incurred in a like manner as municipal taxes.

    How do I find a qualified contractor? Where do I look?

    A number of contractors have pre-qualified to complete this work. Please see list of contractors above.

    Tips for hiring an arborist are available at The main points from this website are summarized below and include specific details for work performed in Manitoba:

    We also recommend that you follow these guidelines:

    1. Get references to find out where the company has done work similar to the work you are requesting. Check the references or visit other worksites where the company has done or is doing tree work.
    2. Get more than one estimate.
    3. Get the estimate in writing. Questions to ask include:
      • When would the work be started and completed?
      • Who will be responsible for clean-up?
      • Is this the total price?
    What kind of costs am I looking at?

    Costs are variable depending on the type of work to be done. We recommend that you obtain estimates from three qualified contractors.

    Is there a list of tree species that the City recommends for planting?

    The Urban Forestry Branch maintains a list of recommended tree species for planting. Each site has specific growing conditions which should be considered for appropriate species selection. Species selection would be approved through the agreement.

    What kind of restrictions are there for the location of trees to be planted?

    There are various restrictions such as utility lines, underground infrastructure, intersections, traffic control signs and signals, and above- and below-ground growing space.

    Urban Forestry Branch:
    1539 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 4V7
    Telephone: 311 | Fax: 204.222.2839

    Last update: February 26, 2024
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