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Citizens Information Service
Public Works

Facility type definitions

facility type illustration

This map outlines formal and informal cycling routes based on Winnipeg's Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies existing and proposed network as well as on local knowledge and experience for informal routes suggestions. Be prepared to make your own evaluation of traffic and road conditions, and plan routes appropriate to your riding skills. Cyclists assume full responsibility for their own safety.

Off-street paths

Multi-use paths (paved and unpaved)

Multi-use paths are shared pedestrian and cyclist routes that are physically separated from motor vehicles. These paths can be paved or unpaved surfaces and may be subject to seasonal flooding on low lying routes. Cyclists yield to pedestrians on multi-use paths.

Spur route

Short paths, park paths or short-cuts of various surfaces and widths. Includes sidewalks that are used to access local destinations. Depending on wheel size, cyclist may need to dismount on sidewalk short-cuts.

On-street bikeways

Protected bicycle lane

Protected bicycle lanes are located within the road right-of-way, but are physically separated from motor vehicle travel lanes by concrete curbs, planters, parking, etc.

Buffered bicycle lane

Buffered bicycle lanes provide separation from vehicles, typically through painted buffers and polyposts.

Painted bicycle lane

On-road routes designated by painted lines and road markings.

Neighbourhood greenway

On-street routes that include a range of treatments to achieve lower vehicle speeds and volumes. Treatments range from signage, bike signals and pavement markings to varying degrees of traffic calming (speed humps, traffic diverters, and traffic circles).

Informal on-street routes

Informal routes identified by local knowledge and experience. Street conditions may vary depending on the time of day, day of the week, and the seasons. While cycling is allowed on all Winnipeg streets, users may find these routes offer a more comfortable experience than the most direct route or obvious route.


User suggested shared routes where vehicle volumes are typically lower than average.


User suggested shared routes where no alternative connection is considered suitable. Recommended for experienced cyclists.

Note: Sharrows (painted bicycle symbol only) are shown on this map as informal facilities.

Area of caution

Denotes a difficult area or intersection on the formal and informal network. Locations were identified using local knowledge and experience. Other unmarked situations may present difficulty to some cyclists.

Last update: September 2, 2021

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