Get Active
An active city is a vibrant city – and we all have an active role to play in helping our city thrive.
Here are some fast facts about what Winnipeg's Active Transportation Network can do for you, and vice-versa!
- This expansive system covers all areas of our city, with multi-use paths, bike boulevards and pedestrian corridors designed to get you to your destination safely.
- People who can walk to work, the grocery store and entertainment are happier, healthier and more invested in their city. Check out the Maps page to discover your active route to work.
- Employees who get active on the way to work contribute to a happier, healthier work environment. Even just 20 minutes of exercise a day can reduce stress, improve physical well-being and energize you for the day. Active workplaces are also more productive with fewer sick days.
- Employers who accommodate active transportation (with perks like on-site showers, free bike parking or bike rental programs) not only encourage healthy, active choices but also reduce parking requirements and costs, position themselves as leading-edge and create a market advantage over other, less accommodating organizations.
- Evidence shows that kids who walk or cycle to school are more ready to learn and feel better about themselves and their neighbourhoods. Active children are also healthier, and are more likely to stay active as they get older.
- Establishing priority routes for children to walk and cycle to school safely creates many benefits for the schools and surrounding communities, including:
- Increased physical activity
- More eyes on the street results in a safer neighbourhoods
- More time for social interaction
- Saves money from less car use
- Reduced traffic congestion with fewer cars
- Action on climate change through reduced vehicle emissions
- Safer, calmer streets around schools and neighbourhoods
For more information on helping your school establish priority routes visit Green Action Centre.
Last update:
January 14, 2021