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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works
Walk Bike Projects

North Winnipeg Parkway

The North Winnipeg Parkway active transportation corridor will connect The Forks to Chief Peguis Trail multiuse path along the Red River through Point Douglas, as well as to segments of St. John's and Seven Oaks.


The project will be delivered in three phases: preliminary infrastructure improvements; corridor design study; and major construction.

Phase 1

Phase 1 will involve preliminary construction on the existing path through and north of Michaelle Jean Park to both bring it up to accessibility standards and protect it from potential future riverbank failure. The path will be widened, paved and realigned away from the river to prevent erosion and disruption because of riverbank stabilization issues. This work will begin in late July 2021.

Phase 2

Phase 2 involves a comprehensive bikeway design study, geotechnical study, and full public engagement program. The technical study will look at:

  • Geotechnical investigations at and around 55 Redwood Ave. (the old Molson Brewery land, which has sat vacant for years)
  • Determination of how the path will cross Redwood Avenue (over or under the existing Redwood Bridge) as well as feasibility of a number of pathway options
  • Assessing upgrades to the on-road segments of path on Annabella Street, Rover Avenue, St. Cross Street, and Scotia Street
  • Assessing upgrades and realignments of segments of path that connect through existing park spaces including Aberdeen Park and St. John's Park
  • Development of a wayfinding program
  • Additional realignment investigations

Community stakeholders and Winnipeggers at large will be invited to participate in public engagement following the geotechnical analysis at and around 55 Redwood Ave and assessment of crossing Redwood Ave, likely in mid-2022. The rest of the study, design and subsequent rounds of public engagement will follow.

Phase 3

Phase 2 will result in a recommended design, which will be made final and constructed as part of Phase 3.

A complete timeline will be developed in Fall 2022 – check back for updates!

Last update: July 28, 2021

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