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Citizens Information Service
Public Works
Walk Bike Projects

River Road to Rivergate Drive Connection

This study is now complete.

The City of Winnipeg is preparing a design for a new walking and cycling path that will run along the bank of the Red River from River Road to Rivergate Drive. The pathway would provide a safe and comfortable connection to future pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in the area. Due to riverbank instability in the area, the project would require riverbank stabilization.


After analysis of the several path alignments, the path alignment concept at the top of the riverbank is considered to be the most desirable for a 4.5 metre off-street pathway between River Road and Rivergate Drive along the Red River. However, as there is no projected funding to construct the pathway and given the uncertainty of when construction would take place, no alignment is being recommended at this time. Should funding become available, the four options should be re-evaluated to ensure any changes to the riverbank and surrounding neighbourhood are taken into consideration.


Thank you to those who attended meetings and provided feedback through the online comment form. The comment form was open from November 2 to December 17, 2017 and we received 36 responses, where respondents were predominately residents of the area.

Key items discussed through both stakeholder meetings and the online survey included:

  • The proximity of the proposed pathway to the adjacent condominium properties;
  • The proximity of the proposed pathway to the adjacent single-family dwellings along Rivergate Drive;
  • The proposed pathway located on City of Winnipeg property versus private property; and
  • Riverbank stabilization.
What we heard How it was considered
Concerns for disruptive behavior and privacy of landowners adjacent to the path. (3 comments in survey, noted in stakeholder meetings) Concerns were noted and if the project moved forward for construction, typographic information would confirm if the path could be moved slightly away from the property line.
Concern regarding environmental impacts of project, including removal of trees was another common theme during in-person meetings. (Noted in stakeholder meetings)

A sub consultant was hired to look at the bank and whether there are stabilization issues. In order to construct the path, stabilization would be required along the bank. The vegetation along the riverbank will likely be affected by the stabilization efforts.

The path along Rivergate Drive will be on the other (south) side of the trees, so they will not be removed.

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Each year, a Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan is developed outlining the Public Service’s annual recommendations for spending the yearly capital budget associated with walking and cycling. On May 18, 2016, City Council approved the 2016 Pedestrian and Cycling Action Plan authorizing the Public Service to proceed with this project.


Document Name Date Type
Detailed Drawing 2017-11-30 Materials

Frequently Asked Questions

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When will this be constructed?
Currently no funding has been identified for this project.
How much will this connection cost?
As part of this project, a class 3 cost estimate (expected level of accuracy of +30% to -20%) will be developed.
What about previous work that looked into a crossing over the Red River?
The City previously conducted a study to explore a possible crossing over the Red River in this area. At this time, the City does not have any plans for a crossing over the Red River, therefore a crossing is not a consideration for this project.
If stabilization is required, could that work happen independently of the walking cycling path?
If stabilization is required, stabilization will only be completed in conjunction with the construction of the walking cycling path.
What areas does this path connect?
The path would connect River Road to St. Mary’s Avenue between Rivergate Drive and Britannica Road. A connection to Henteleff Park may be considered in the future.
Will people be able to use the path at night?
The path may be used at night and some pedestrian lighting may be considered as part of the design.
Will you be removing any trees?
If the project moves forward, some trees will have to be removed to complete the bank stabilization.
What are the City of Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies?
On July 15, 2015, City Council adopted the Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies. This document stems from the 2011 Transportation Master Plan. The Strategies provide a long-range policy framework for active modes of transportation in Winnipeg for the next 20 years. Following public engagement with more than 3,000 Winnipeggers in 2013, the Strategies will assist in the prioritization of walking and cycling infrastructure projects city-wide based on further in-depth engagement with neighbourhood and local stakeholders on a per project basis.
Last update: January 8, 2020

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