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Citizens Information Service
Public Works
Walk Bike Projects

Seine River Crossing

Identifying a new Pedestrian and Cycling Bridge Location

This study is now complete.

The goal of the Seine River Crossing study was to identify a preferred location for a new pedestrian and cycling crossing. An identified site would support the community’s vision for a Seine River pathway network and will increase connectivity in the community and to the broader pedestrian and cycling network.

Study Results

The Seine River Crossing study revealed the preferred location for the Seine River Crossing is Location C: Clonard Avenue to Archibald Street. No property acquisition or land easement agreements are needed for this crossing location.

Further information on feedback provided by citizens throughout this study is available in the public engagement summary and full report.


A Seine River crossing at Location C will connect Clonard Avenue and Archibald Street via City-owned land between the St. Boniface Golf Club and the Windsor Park Golf Course. The class 4 cost estimate (accurate within -30% to +60%) is $7,342,300, which includes pathway construction, pedestrian and cyclist scale lighting, bridge construction, and slope stabilization.

View segment

Location C is preferred for the following reasons:

  • Received the highest support from survey respondents.
  • Is adequately spaced between existing Seine River crossings at Tremblay Street and Fermor Avenue.
  • Would connect pedestrians and cyclists to the existing off-street pathway on Archibald Street and the Neighbourhood Greenway on Egerton Road.
  • Natural areas and habitat are already fairly disturbed because of an existing Hydro Corridor.
  • Minimal impact to residents during construction.
  • Would provide connections to community destinations (e.g., Bonivital Pool and the future Windsor Park Library).
  • Would be attractive for those who desire a scenic route away from vehicular traffic.

Next Steps

The City will review the project from a cost-benefit perspective to determine how this project fits with other City-wide priorities and future budget considerations.


The goal of the public engagement is to collect feedback throughout the design process to help determine the following:

  • Location(s) of Seine River crossing;
  • Pathway connections;
  • Evaluation criteria.

The information gathered throughout the engagement period is now available through the public engagement summary and full public engagement report.

Review the study results tab to see images and descriptions of what has been proposed.

Thank you to all who attended the open houses on April 4 and 5. Approximately 100 people attended the open houses and approximately 25 surveys were collected. An additional 215 surveys were also collected online.

Previous and ongoing activities

An online survey and mapping tool were available from January 31 to February 20. The project team has also been meeting with community members and schools to gather information and knowledge about the area.

Phase 2


Phase 1


Project Timeline




On September 30, 2015, Council approved the motion to "continue to recognize and support the need for pedestrian/bike bridges over the Seine River." The Seine River Greenway Study, produced in 2000, identified proposed locations for Seine River pedestrian and cycling crossings. A study is recommended to identify the best location for a new crossing looking at previously proposed options as well as the possibility of new locations. This project will include engaging with the community to determine the optimal location for a new crossing.

This project will identify a preferred location for a new pedestrian and cycling crossing that will be the basis for the future design and construction of a bridge.


Document Name Date Type
Phase 1- School Workshop Invitation 2017-02-08 Community Letter
Phase 1 - Community Mailout EN-FR 2017-02-01 Community Letter
Seine River Greenway Study Winter 2000 Report
Phase 1 - News Release 2017-02-01 News Release
Phase 2 - Community Mailout 2017-03-24 Mail Out
Phase 2 - News Release 2017-03-24 News Release
Study Segment 2017-08-03 Map
Public Engagement Summary 2017-08-03 Report
Phase 2 – Open house materials 2017-03-23 Open house materials
Public Engagement Report 2017-07-27 Report

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Seine River Greenway Study identified four potential bridge crossing locations between Bishop Grandin Boulevard and Provencher Boulevard. Will you include these locations in your study?
Yes, the findings of the 2000 Seine River Greenway Study will be used to inform the preliminary bridge option locations. The project team will also work with stakeholders and community members to identify additional potential crossing locations.
When will the bridge over the Seine River be constructed?
The first step is this study to determine a suitable location for a new crossing. Once a location has been determined, further engineering will be required to determine a design for the project along with a cost estimate. The project would then be presented to Council for consideration as part of the budget process.
What are the City of Winnipeg’s Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies?
On July 15, 2015, the City of Winnipeg Council adopted the Winnipeg Pedestrian and Cycling Strategies. This document stems from the 2011 Transportation Master Plan. The Strategies provide a long-range policy framework for active modes of transportation in Winnipeg for the next 20 years. Following public engagement in 2013 with more than 3,000 Winnipeggers, the Strategies will assist in the prioritization of walking and cycling infrastructure projects city-wide based on further in-depth engagement with neighbourhood and local stakeholders on a per project basis.
How can I stay involved in the project?
Join our email list to be notified about upcoming engagement activities, look at the "Engage" tab on this website, and follow the City of Winnipeg on Facebook and Twitter .
Last update: January 8, 2020

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