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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works


Video Management

TMC video management

The Transportation Management Centre (TMC) uses a network of over 100 traffic cameras that have been installed at strategic locations around the city which act as the TMC's eyes on the street. This system, together with the Signal Management System, helps technical staff understand the nature of unexpected traffic situations at key locations and adjust traffic signals timing as needed.

Pan Tilt Zoom Camera

PTZ camera

Cameras currently used are Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) dome models (see photo left) which have the capability to cover 1.5 km in each direction, allowing one camera to cover multiple intersections.

The cameras have built-in features that allow for operation 365 days a year. One such feature is "speed dry," which uses centrifugal force and blown air to remove water/snow buildup from the cover.

Camera use

  • Access to the cameras is limited to trained personnel.
  • The focus of the camera is always the roadway.
  • The system is set up in such a way that personal information under normal operations will not be compromised.
  • New camera locations are evaluated to minimize the impact on such items as private homes, and other places where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.
camera location

In certain circumstances the layout of the intersection may dictate that a camera is placed near a building (see left).

In such an instance, before the camera is put to daily use, its view/coverage is evaluated and a mask put in place where deemed necessary in order to protect an individual's right to privacy (see below). This example shows masking of a second floor window.

camera mask

Notice of Collection

The purpose of the TMC traffic cameras is to monitor, address, and study traffic flows. TMC traffic cameras are operated at fixed locations on the roadways to maximize coverage.

Default camera settings do not allow for the capture of personally identifiable information, such as license plate numbers, or individual faces. Pan/Tilt/Zoom capabilities may be used when monitoring specific traffic congestion incidents, traffic disruptions, suspected damage to City of Winnipeg property, when a traffic study is being conducted, or when used for law enforcement or crime prevention. Any personally identifiable information collected by cameras during Pan/Tilt/Zoom operation, is done pursuant to section 36(1)(b) or 36(1)(c) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), depending on the activity. Through camera placement and remediation measures (such as privacy masks), TMC traffic cameras are not set to view locations where an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

TMC traffic cameras do not operate as a surveillance tool, however, where approved under exceptional circumstances, TMC cameras may be used by Winnipeg Police Service for law enforcement or crime prevention purposes, as permitted under FIPPA, section 36(1)(c).

Video from TMC traffic cameras is retained for up to 7 days after which it is overwritten. Copies of TMC traffic video may be requested under Part 2 of FIPPA through City Clerk's within 7 days of the incident, since it is overwritten after that point.

If you have any questions regarding this collection or use of this information, please contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail to City Clerk's Department, Administration Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9, or by telephone at 311.

Last update: January 11, 2024

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