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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works

About the Transportation Management Centre (TMC)

About the TMC

The TMC is a leading-edge facility that uses data to process and manage traffic incidents. It monitors all 671 signalized intersections across the city and can remotely respond in real-time to traffic signal malfunctions and unexpected traffic incidents to improve traffic flow, as well as provide real-time traffic information to drivers using the Waze app or to media and the public via Twitter (@WinnipegTMC).

TMC features

Signals Management System

This tool allows for real-time communication between the traffic signals on the streets and a central control system. It allows technical staff to monitor and correct problems – many even before drivers or pedestrians notice there is an issue. This system also allows technical staff to modify traffic signals timing immediately if an unexpected situation arises (e.g., collisions, stalled vehicles, barricades, special events and adverse weather).

TMC features

Video Management System

Over 100 traffic cameras have been installed at strategic locations around the city. These cameras act as a tool for the TMC to confirm traffic reports and manage signals remotely. This system, together with the Signal Management System, helps technical staff understand the nature of unexpected traffic situations at key locations and adjust traffic signal timing as needed, as well as look for common trouble spots and patterns to submit for evaluation by the Transportation Division.

camera camera

Leading the Pack

The TMC is always looking for ways to stay on-point with technology to allow it to maximize information flow and give staff the most accurate information to make the best decisions. The image above shows the move from fixed to optical zooming 360° camera on trial at Marion Street and St Mary's Road.


This system gathers real-time traffic related information such as lane closures, traffic signal malfunctions, and stalled vehicles and shares the information with drivers through the Waze app.

TMC Fast Facts

  • All 650 of Winnipeg’s signalized intersections were connected in eight months to a state-of-the-art central management system with cellular modems.
  • 100% connectivity to achieve two-way communication between all traffic signals and a centralized hub is uncommon for a city of Winnipeg’s size.
  • Remote signal timing changes can now be made within minutes versus days, facilitating rapid response to unexpected incidents such as collisions, stalled vehicles, barricades, special events and adverse weather.
  • An advanced traffic incident management system incorporates information feeds from 311, the signals management system, connected sensors and Waze to capture and share all traffic and road related incidents.
  • Real-time alerts about traffic signal malfunctions are sent directly to the TMC, saving 30-40 minutes when compared with waiting for a citizen to report it. This enables faster repairs and more timely information-sharing with the public.
  • 70 traffic monitoring cameras, acting as the TMC’s eyes on the street, were installed in three months.
  • A partnership with Waze provides free, real-time, two-way communication between drivers and the TMC, which has created the most up-to-date and comprehensive travel information source in Winnipeg.
  • A state-of-the-art audio/video system combined with a data driven video wall provides situational awareness to TMC operators.
  • The $3.6 million capital investment spent on the TMC will have a citywide benefit.
Last update: July 29, 2021

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