Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.
Traffic improvement projects
Traffic in Winnipeg generates 5 billion vehicle kilometers of travel, and 40 million urban goods movement trips per year. All this is done on our street system, consisting of 1720 lane-kilometers of Regional streets, 5030 lane-kilometers of Local and Collector streets, 900 lane-kilometers of alleys, and 196 bridges and structures.
Our team of engineers, planners, and designers are consistently working to learn more about travel patterns, identify and solve transportation issues, and better our road network.
This planning includes small- and medium-scale technical traffic studies (usually as a response to resident concerns or specific issues within an area) to determine what we can do to improve traffic flow, increase safety or resolve other concerns, as well as large-scale transportation studies that involve public consultations and multiyear delivery.