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Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Canada Day – Monday, July 1. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Citizens Information Service
Public Works

Amber Light Times

The City of Winnipeg currently has 671 signalized intersections. There are 561 signalized intersections on routes with 50 km/h or 60 km/hr speed limits, and 110 signalized intersections on high speed routes with 70 km/h or higher speed limits.

Since the Manitoba Highway Traffic Act does not specify the duration of traffic lights, the City of Winnipeg uses a combination of the technical research from national and international organizations, and engineering judgement applied appropriately with knowledge of local context, to calculate the traffic light duration values at signalized intersections.

In September 2020 the City started using a calculated amber light duration for high speed (70 km/h or higher) routes, where previously the duration of amber lights was a uniform value of 4.0 seconds for all intersections.

Amber light durations on 50 km/hr and 60 km/hr roadways will remain consistent with the 4 second durations used previously.

The calculated amber light times on 70 km/hr and 80 km/hr roadways are now based on the speed and the slope of the roadway. For a typical intersection on a 70 km/hr and 80 km/hr roadway, this results in an increase from 4.0 seconds, to 4.3 seconds and 4.7 seconds respectively. In some cases where the roadway has a longitudinal slope, the amber time is further adjusted to account for the added distance it takes for a vehicle to stop.

Signal Timing Review Program

In 2020 the City updated the 10-year traffic signal timing review program that identifies a review schedule for every signalized intersection in Winnipeg. The report identifies corridors and zones to be reviewed on a three- or four-year cycle.

Timing change updates

Quarterly the Traffic Signals Branch will highlight some of the timing changes that are made which are most likely to be noticed by citizens. Please contact 311 to provide feedback on any of these changes.

October through December 2023 Traffic Signal Timing Changes

Location Timing change details
Various locations around Arlington Bridge Adjust traffic signal timing on routes surrounding Arlington to accommodate the Arlington Bridge closure.
Various Locations Citywide Adjust traffic signal timing plans for holiday shopping traffic.
Various locations city-wide Vehicle detection replacements to damaged detectors citywide.
Brookside & Farmer-Jefferson
Jubilee & Riverdale
Lee & Waverley
Pembina & 120m S of Dartmouth
Roblin & 235m E of Commissary
St Mary's & 260m N of Van Hull-Warde
Newly signalized intersections.
Bison & Kenaston NB East leg of intersection opened.
Bishop Grandin (Abinojii Mikanah) & River Advance warning flashers installed on Bishop Grandin (Abinojii Mikanah) in the eastbound and westbound directions.
Kenaston & Lindenwood E Installed protected/permissive eastbound and westbound left turn arrows.
Last update: December 11, 2023

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