Request change to place name or historical marker

Step 1 of 6: Checklist and privacy


Before proceeding with your request, please make sure:

  • The request is for a city-owned asset and is not the renaming of a street. Assets that fall under the “Welcoming Winnipeg” process, as defined by the policy are:
    • “Historical Markers”: includes an existing or new plaque, statue, commemorative marker, panel installation, monument, mural or City-owned building; does not include community centres.
    • “Place Names”: includes a neighborhood development, a park, sign, trail, or bridge; does not include streets.
  • Research has been conducted to demonstrate why and how their request supports, and is an important contribution to, a “Welcoming Winnipeg”. This is defined as a request that:
    • Ultimately achieves a balanced perspective/story;
    • Honours Indigenous peoples as the original peoples of this land and the contemporary context in which Indigenous peoples continue to have relationship with this land;
    • Promotes Indigenous reclamation of land, space and/or language;
    • Offers an educational opportunity; or,
    • Supports telling the complete history of Winnipeg.
  • Your request includes a petition from individuals impacted by your proposal, including the surrounding community (to be submitted with the request form).
  • If your request is to add to, remove or rename a historical marker/place name, you have obtained letters of support for your proposal (to be submitted with the request form).
  • If your application is acknowledging an individual, their consent should be obtained. If the person is deceased, the views of close family members or other individuals or groups representing the person's legacy should be considered.
  • Project details for the request (drawing, map and/or pictures of the place name/historical marker, wording that has been drafted, etc.)

Privacy statement and consent

The collection of your personal information (e.g., name, contact information, and your opinions) is authorized by section 36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) for the administration and operation of the Welcoming Winnipeg program, including public consultation purposes. If you are submitting the personal information of anyone other than yourself, you are responsible for obtaining their consent, or the consent of those representing the person’s legacy. The information is protected by FIPPA’s privacy provisions and will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have questions about this collection of your personal information.

Step 2 of 6: Contact information

Are you currently a resident of Winnipeg?

Step 3 of 6: Request type for place name or historical marker

Select the type of place name or historical marker you would like changed.

Place name
Historical marker
How would you like to change the place name?

Do you have a proposed name?
Does your request acknowledge a person, living or deceased?

If yes, you must provide the consent of the individual (or the consent of those representing the person’s legacy).

Please limit file to 4 MB, ending in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, or .bmp.

Project details may include drawing, map and/or pictures of the place name/historical marker, wording that has been drafted, etc. This information may be required before the Committee of Community Members can consider your application.

Please limit file to 4 MB, ending in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, or .bmp.

Step 5 of 6: Request details

Use this section to detail how your request contributes to a Welcoming Winnipeg and clearly demonstrate how it:

  • Ultimately achieves a balanced perspective/story;
  • Honours Indigenous peoples as the original peoples of this land and the contemporary context in which Indigenous peoples continue to have relationship with this land;
  • Promotes Indigenous reclamation of land, space and/or language;
  • Offers an educational opportunity; or,
  • Supports telling the complete history of Winnipeg.


Provide evidence that research has been conducted to demonstrate why and how your request supports, and is an important contribution to, a Welcoming Winnipeg. Your research may include:

  • Consulting with local researchers or historians
  • Referencing online or manual resources that have been shared to support your request
  • Turning to Indigenous traditional knowledge keepers or Elders for advice and guidance
  • Other
Upload evidence of research

Please limit each file to 4 MB, ending in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, or .bmp.

Does this site have historical significance to Indigenous peoples?
If this request is not supported by the Committee of Community Members or City Council, would there be a negative impact on the community?

Step 6 of 6: Community support & project funding

Please note: If your application is acknowledging an individual, their consent must be obtained. If the person is deceased, the views of close family members or other individuals or groups representing the person's legacy must be taken into account.

Community support

Please select the options that apply to your application.

Please limit each file to 4 MB, ending in .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .tif, or .bmp.

Project funding

Have you identified any funding sources for your request, or do you need support exploring options:

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