Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Consumer fireworks display permit application – low hazard

A permit is not required for the use of hand-held sparklers or caps for toy guns
Applicant information

Pursuant to Part 7 of the City of Winnipeg Fire Prevention By-Law 35/2017, permission is hereby granted to:

A9A 9A9
Location information

To initiate a low hazard fireworks display involving fireworks in Class 7, Division 2, subdivision 1, of the Explosive Regulations, CRC c.599 in accordance with this Permit on the fireworks display date at the following location:

Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx.
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx.
Ownership and authorization

Check the applicable statement that pertains to the low hazard fireworks permit application:

The person to whom a low hazard fireworks display permit has been issued shall implement and comply with the following conditions by:

  • retaining the Permit at the site of the low hazard fireworks display and producing such Permit for examination upon request.
  • allowing Fire Paramedic Service employees to enter and inspect the premises for compliance with all applicable sections to the By-law.
  • setting off your display only on the property for which authorization has been received.
  • ensuring there are no overhead wires, branches or other obstructions within eight meters (25 feet) when setting up a display.
  • making a fire base (e.g. mound of sand or earth) at least 30 meters (100 feet) away from the nearest building.
  • keeping a large metal container, partly filled with water for disposal of fireworks.
  • providing a pail of water or garden hose, attached to a water supply - to be made ready as a fire extinguisher.
  • not allowing any person under the age of eighteen years to "set off" or participate in the actual firing.
  • ensuring no fireworks are held by hand and fired. (Only sparklers are designed and manufactured to be handheld.)
  • reading all manufacturers instructions on all novelties.
  • burying all novelties at least halfway down into the firing base (e.g. mound of sand or earth).
  • lighting fireworks at arms length, standing back and keeping your face away - it is preferable to use an "igniter stick".
  • do not fire in windy conditions.

In the event a firework doesn't go off, do not attempt to re-light it - do not approach it for several minutes and then douse it with water and carefully place it in a refuse container or return it to the vendor where it was purchased.

Remember, the display must be under the conduct and supervision of at least one responsible person, who must be at least eighteen years of age. No person may use, set off or allow to be used or set off any fireworks in such a place or manner as might create danger or constitute a nuisance to any person or property, or to do or cause or allow any unsafe act or omission at the time and place for the setting off of any fireworks.

No person may set off any fireworks in or into any building, doorway, automobile, or other place where suchsetting off might create a danger or nuisance to any person or property. The display must be conducted in a manner consistent with all safety procedures and be held and continued only while all proper precautions are being observed to keep spectators at a safe distance, to protect public and private property, and suitable fire extinguishing equipment must be at hand at all times.

Read and follow all instructions on the fireworks. Plan the firing order before you begin. Light all fireworks carefully, and always light the fuse at its tip. Do not fire in windy conditions, and store fireworks in a cool, dry, ventilated place in a locked container, away from children.

Your personal information is being collected in accordance with s.36(1)(b) of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. This information will be used to process your application for a Consumer Fireworks Display Permit and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail to City Clerk's Department, Administration Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9, or by telephone at 311.

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