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Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Louis Riel Day – Monday, February 17. View holiday hours for City of Winnipeg facilities and services.

Vehicles for Hire

About the Vehicles for Hire By-law

The Vehicles for Hire By-law No. 129/2017 was approved by Council on December 13, 2017 and comes into effect on February 28, 2018. Regulatory responsibility legally transfers from the provincial government to municipalities pursuant to the requirements of Bill 30 – The Local Vehicles for Hire Act, which will dissolve the existing Taxicab Board, the Taxicab Act and associated regulations, and transition oversight and regulation of the vehicle for hire industry to the City of Winnipeg effective February 28, 2018.

The policies and regulations in the new Vehicles for Hire By-law has four objectives, and sets minimum standards for:

  1. Passenger Safety;
  2. Driver Safety;
  3. Consumer Protection, and;
  4. Accessibility

Appeal Board

The Vehicle for Hire Appeal Board is an impartial body that has the responsibility to hear appeals with respect to orders and decisions regulated by the Vehicles for Hire By-law No. 129/2017. The board consists of five individuals appointed by Council. Council shall appoint a Chair and a Vice-Chair of the Vehicle for Hire Appeal Board from among the members of the Board.


The Taxicab Board was established by the Government of Manitoba in 1935 and operates under and enforces the Taxicab Act. The Taxicab Board’s objective is “to ensure citizens in Winnipeg receive quality taxicab service that meets the public need at a reasonable cost through the administration of a system of economic regulation, and enforce regulations or policies that are in the best interest of public, passenger and driver safety.”

In December 2016, the Government of Manitoba published MNP LLP’s report on Winnipeg Taxicab Services along with 40 recommendations for improving the vehicles for hire industry. MNP LLP surveyed 9,215 consumers online and 500 in a telephone survey. Study findings indicated “the public feels more supply is needed, particularly during winter months, peak periods of the day/evening and after special events.”

On November 9, 2017, The Province of Manitoba passed Bill 30 – The Local Vehicles for Hire Act, which will dissolve the existing Taxicab Board, the Taxicab Act and associated regulations, and transition oversight and regulation of the vehicle for hire industry to the City of Winnipeg, effective February 28, 2018.

The Executive Policy Committee concurred with the public service’s recommendation on December 6, 2017. Council approved the public service’s recommendations on December 13, 2017 with several amendments to the Vehicles for Hire By-law.

The new Vehicles-for-Hire By-law includes taxicabs, limousines, accessible transport vehicles, and Personal Transportation Providers (PTPs) like Uber and Lyft. Input from stakeholders of the vehicles-for-hire industry was critical to shaping the content of the new by-law.


We heard from over 280 stakeholders through the stakeholder engagement process. Thank you to those who attended focus group sessions and stakeholder meetings, provided written submissions, and to those who participated in the working group session.

The stakeholder engagement report provides a full account of what we heard. There is also a summary report available. Feedback from stakeholders was invaluable to shaping the Vehicle for Hire By-law, and although not all feedback was incorporated into the By-law, the input provided was carefully considered and stakeholder perspectives were highly appreciated. It is envisioned that future changes to the By-law will be necessary and further stakeholder engagement will continue as we move forward.

In fall 2017, the City invited stakeholders to stakeholder engagement sessions so we could hear from those who are directly involved in the industry. Stakeholders were invited to participate in focus group sessions, stakeholder meetings, through written submissions, and a working group session. We heard detailed feedback about the existing vehicles for hire industry and ideas for the future of the industry.

Last update: May 6, 2019

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