Know your Personal Transportation Provider
Personal transportation providers (PTPs) may look and operate differently from taxis, but they still need to follow specific rules as required by their City of Winnipeg licence. Understanding these rules and following these tips can help ensure a safe ride for both drivers and passengers.
For emergency situations, call 911.
For any inquiries, or to file a report related to a dispatcher or PTP trip, contact 311.
Understand your PTP
A PTP is a vehicle for hire that is not a taxi, and includes a limousine or rideshare vehicle. A PTP must provide the following through the platform used to dispatch its registered vehicles:
- Notice that its drivers can only provide transportation services through the dispatcher's digital platform (website or app) and cannot accept street hails
- A PTP dispatcher may dispatch a limousine via phone or text
- Notice that its drivers cannot accept any payment for transportation services and that payment may only be made through the dispatcher's digital platform
- A limousine driver may accept payment by any means, including cash
- Instructions or links concerning the process of filing a complaint concerning the driver, the vehicle, or the dispatcher
- A process allowing the passenger to accept or refuse the transportation service prior to it being initiated
- A secure payment mechanism through a digital platform, not involving cash
- A printed or electronic receipt to the passenger after providing the transportation service that includes:
- The total amount paid
- The date and time the passenger was picked up
- The first name of the driver
Tips to Maximize Passenger Safety
- Be aware: PTP rides can only be requested through an app. Never get in a car with a driver who claims to be a PTP driver and offers a ride you haven't pre-arranged.
- Pay attention to the driver: At the time of booking, you should be provided the first name and a photograph of the driver that will provide the transportation service. Before entering the vehicle, ensure both match.
- Pay attention to the vehicle: Check the make and model of the car that pulls up and compare to the make and model that was provided to you at the time of booking. If using a limousine, take note of the four digit limousine ID number located at the back of the vehicle; all other PTP vehicles must have one set of company decals in a uniform location.
- Sit in the backseat: If you’re riding alone, this ensures you can safely exit on either side of the vehicle to avoid moving traffic, and it gives you and your driver some personal space.
- Be respectful: Please respect your driver and their car.
- Keep everyone's safety in mind: This means not asking your driver to make illegal or unsafe traffic maneuvers and remembering to bring a child seat with you if you need one.
Recognizing a Licenced Driver
All PTP drivers are issued an identification card in written or electronic form which must include the following information:
- The first name of the driver and a recent photograph
- The driver’s identifying number issued by the dispatcher
- The name and contact information of the dispatcher
This card may be displayed in the car or electronically though the dispatcher’s app.
Download the Know Your PTP PDF